Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
- Seehund
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- Posts: 497
- Joined: 11 Aug 2015, 12:28
- Location: Unter dem Meer.
Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
Byond ID: Jackserious
Marine Name (so we know who you are): Jennifer 'Nun' Rowley
Name of the character you want whitelisted (As in, the name your predator will use): Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Excited Dance)
Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=2693)? Indeed I am.
Character background (an RP description as to why this character would be in this position, such as clan information. This will weigh HEAVILY on the decision, so make the information count):
“Thin-de le'hsaun 'aloun'myin-de s'bpi-de gka-de hou-depaya”.
That was Dhi'rauta Halkrath's simple - yet effective - warning. Ch'hkt-a, though, was more focused on the stinging pain from the wooden dah'Nagara (short sword) that struck the side of her head. What bothered her far more than the continuous hits she kept receiving from her n'yaka-de - her master - however, was how the Elite insisted on sparring with Ch'hkt-a, despite her insisting her training was complete. Dusting off, the two tossed their pretend weapons aside in favor of mugs of refreshing c'nlip. Sitting in contemplative silence, both let their own thoughts take hold of their attention.
Ch'hkt-a's train of thought inevitably led her to her family - or what was left of it. Her mei'hswei, her brother, had fallen to the kiande amedha during his first Hunt - not that it bothered her. Kiloun had died honorably, and as long as that held true, Ch'hkt-a's heart was at ease. When her mother suffered a similar fate, however - a painful u'sl-kwe (death) at the claws of a Kac-h'ta, Ch'hkt-a felt a tinge of panic. Would the foul beasts have her next? For what seemed the longest time, Ch'hkt-a fretted about her chiva. It was, however, this frantic - almost hysterical state that led her to meet Ka'Torag-na Dekna when Ch'hkt-a oh-so-roughly bumped into him during one of her romps through the Clan's grounds.
Ka'Torag-na was exceptionally comprehensive, and indeed offered to spar with Ch'hkt-a - a practice the both of them still carry out to this day - with his rather unique weapon: a traditional dah'kte, although a nok in length and with a single blade. Skeptic at first, Ch'hkt-a quickly had to correct herself; it certainly WAS effective. On the other hand, when she tried it for herself, well. It wasn't long until Ka'Torag-na started referring to her as “dha-viath” - disaster. In hindsight, however, it was never mocking, m-di. Quite the opposite, in fact; to Ka'Torag-na, Ch'hkt-a wasn't just another lou-dte kalei, another child maker, something her peers liked to voice quite a lot, and despite the unblooded's many shortcomings, Ka'Torag-na would just coax her along with his less than wholesome ways but equally effective ways.
“Dtai'k-dte sa-de nav'g-kon dtain'aun bpide.”
Those words, that ultimatum, Ch'hkt-a treasures it to this day. As her kiande amedha chiva drew closer, the unblooded Yautja doubled, tripled her efforts; countless were the days spent away from her Clan, practicing the way of the dah'kte, the ki'cti-pa and the al'Nagara - the wrist blades, the combi-stick and the longsword - with her n'yaka-de. Once, their training was even interrupted by a Kuq'rit, alerted by the sound of clashing weapons and drawn to their small clearing. That, Ch'hkt-a recalls fondly, was perhaps her first truly satisfying fight. As Ka'Torag-na stepped out of the way, the unblooded went to fetch her al'Nagara from its sheath, wielding the long blade with perhaps too much confidence for her own good.
"Thar'n-da s' yin'tekai, Dha-viath."
"Sei-i, n'yaka-de."
She had won. Of course, it was no big quarrel, but to Ch'hkt-a? Forced to hunt the diminutive Peq're-ks and the occasional kiande amedha z'skvy-de as with the other unblooded, her kill's species didn't matter as much as the mesh'in'ga - the ecstasy - she experienced during the duel. An odd experience indeed, Ch'hkt-a simply gave in to the feelings of the dtai'kai-dte, the combat; her hyperactive nerves, firing up with each passing breeze, her distended muscles, and most importantly, her empty mind. There was nothing to think of, was there? Her feet, they were built for moving - thinking too hard about it would have just impeded them. With the passing of time, she grew to appreciate her namesake, the n'ritha - the dance - of the fight.
Then, there was Dhi'rauta. Not one to enter frontal combat so much anymore - though Ch'hkt-a harbored no doubt regarding his abilities and his previous kills - he was seemingly content with teaching the unblooded the other side of the kv'var - furtiveness. Ch'hkt-a, ever the hult'ah (observer), followed his teachings intently. The dto, the woodlands surrounding the K'var-de Clan proved quite apt for practicing the young Yautja's secrecy, both with and without her camouflage. She took her time to learn its strengths and weaknesses, often competing against her fellow unblooded - and sometimes kv'var-de - in mock Hunts. Once more, she was impressed by the mesh'in'ga she experienced during the Hunt - the raw excitement, the uncertainty; would she find her peers before being found herself? Truthfully, she wasn't half bad at it. Ch'hkt-a was one with her surroundings, nracha-dte (relentless) in her pursuit of the Hunted.
Of a much different tone were the lessons with Syra'yte; long sessions spent in the dim halls of the kehrite - the training hall -, studying the Code and the history of Ch'hkt-a's ancestors. It wasn't that these lessons didn't interest her - far from it; while she admired Syra'yte for his achievements, perhaps he was too strict. “Payas leitjin-de Hma'mi'de.” Syra'yte liked to say. In a sense, Ch'hkt-a felt, he was right. She intently studied the Serpents in preparation for her kiande amedha chiva, and even the oomans held a certain degree of interest to her. Peculiar, varying creatures but, in a way, she knew they could be quite capable hunters, obviously second to the Yautja. Their culture also had Ch'hkt-a interested. What was it, about their music? Not that she would admit it to anybody, obviously.
Best of all, however, was the time Ch'hkt-a spent with Vara'ule. Friends since early childhood, the two exercised, sparred and Hunted together. What kept them together, well. Ch'hkt-a liked to think it was their somewhat opposite personalities; while Vara'ule always was somewhat boisterous, Ch'hkt-a took pride in believing herself to be the most level-headed of the two. On the other hand, it could have just as easily been their coinciding characteristics: both were extremely patient - Ch'hkt-a almost to a fault -, often waiting prey out for entire days. Dha-viath took a certain pleasure in simply observing her quarry, learning its habits to strike where it hurt the most. What was it, that drove her to do it? The h'dui'se of unknowing prey? A good question. Despite everything, at the end of the day, Ch'hkt-a and Vara'ule would regard each other as mei-jadhis, as sisters, utmost respect forming the basis of their relationship.
With an almost silent hiss, Ch'hkt-a looked up, at Dhi'rauta. When the day of her kiande amedha chiva came, he had offered to accompany and oversee the Hunt. Why, Ch'hkt-a had no idea. However, she had grown to appreciate his silent company; it gave her time to think, something she liked to do quite a lot. That time, however, was drawing to a close; within herself, Dha-viath knew the Man'daca had almost reached its destination; soon, she would board a Ner'uda and leave for her first, true Hunt; she would face down the r'ka, the Serpents.
She would face down LV-624, and become a proper Kv'var-de.
Why should we whitelist you? I try to maintain a believable level of RP all the time; the way I see, Yautja aren't just a means for a personal victory: with the power they hold over the round, they should be used to further roleplay - to further fun. Because, in the end, everybody is a winner as long as fun was had. Were I to be accepted, I would seek to create viable roleplay opportunties, for xenomorphs and marines alike.
Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yep.
Additionally, I would like to thank Coroneljones for letting me apply as part of the Kv'var-de clan;
I would also like to thank Coroneljones, SASoperative and Gelonvia (and possibly others I'm forgetting) for letting me use their characters, and their input.
Marine Name (so we know who you are): Jennifer 'Nun' Rowley
Name of the character you want whitelisted (As in, the name your predator will use): Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Excited Dance)
Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=2693)? Indeed I am.
Character background (an RP description as to why this character would be in this position, such as clan information. This will weigh HEAVILY on the decision, so make the information count):
“Thin-de le'hsaun 'aloun'myin-de s'bpi-de gka-de hou-depaya”.
That was Dhi'rauta Halkrath's simple - yet effective - warning. Ch'hkt-a, though, was more focused on the stinging pain from the wooden dah'Nagara (short sword) that struck the side of her head. What bothered her far more than the continuous hits she kept receiving from her n'yaka-de - her master - however, was how the Elite insisted on sparring with Ch'hkt-a, despite her insisting her training was complete. Dusting off, the two tossed their pretend weapons aside in favor of mugs of refreshing c'nlip. Sitting in contemplative silence, both let their own thoughts take hold of their attention.
Ch'hkt-a's train of thought inevitably led her to her family - or what was left of it. Her mei'hswei, her brother, had fallen to the kiande amedha during his first Hunt - not that it bothered her. Kiloun had died honorably, and as long as that held true, Ch'hkt-a's heart was at ease. When her mother suffered a similar fate, however - a painful u'sl-kwe (death) at the claws of a Kac-h'ta, Ch'hkt-a felt a tinge of panic. Would the foul beasts have her next? For what seemed the longest time, Ch'hkt-a fretted about her chiva. It was, however, this frantic - almost hysterical state that led her to meet Ka'Torag-na Dekna when Ch'hkt-a oh-so-roughly bumped into him during one of her romps through the Clan's grounds.
Ka'Torag-na was exceptionally comprehensive, and indeed offered to spar with Ch'hkt-a - a practice the both of them still carry out to this day - with his rather unique weapon: a traditional dah'kte, although a nok in length and with a single blade. Skeptic at first, Ch'hkt-a quickly had to correct herself; it certainly WAS effective. On the other hand, when she tried it for herself, well. It wasn't long until Ka'Torag-na started referring to her as “dha-viath” - disaster. In hindsight, however, it was never mocking, m-di. Quite the opposite, in fact; to Ka'Torag-na, Ch'hkt-a wasn't just another lou-dte kalei, another child maker, something her peers liked to voice quite a lot, and despite the unblooded's many shortcomings, Ka'Torag-na would just coax her along with his less than wholesome ways but equally effective ways.
“Dtai'k-dte sa-de nav'g-kon dtain'aun bpide.”
Those words, that ultimatum, Ch'hkt-a treasures it to this day. As her kiande amedha chiva drew closer, the unblooded Yautja doubled, tripled her efforts; countless were the days spent away from her Clan, practicing the way of the dah'kte, the ki'cti-pa and the al'Nagara - the wrist blades, the combi-stick and the longsword - with her n'yaka-de. Once, their training was even interrupted by a Kuq'rit, alerted by the sound of clashing weapons and drawn to their small clearing. That, Ch'hkt-a recalls fondly, was perhaps her first truly satisfying fight. As Ka'Torag-na stepped out of the way, the unblooded went to fetch her al'Nagara from its sheath, wielding the long blade with perhaps too much confidence for her own good.
"Thar'n-da s' yin'tekai, Dha-viath."
"Sei-i, n'yaka-de."
She had won. Of course, it was no big quarrel, but to Ch'hkt-a? Forced to hunt the diminutive Peq're-ks and the occasional kiande amedha z'skvy-de as with the other unblooded, her kill's species didn't matter as much as the mesh'in'ga - the ecstasy - she experienced during the duel. An odd experience indeed, Ch'hkt-a simply gave in to the feelings of the dtai'kai-dte, the combat; her hyperactive nerves, firing up with each passing breeze, her distended muscles, and most importantly, her empty mind. There was nothing to think of, was there? Her feet, they were built for moving - thinking too hard about it would have just impeded them. With the passing of time, she grew to appreciate her namesake, the n'ritha - the dance - of the fight.
Then, there was Dhi'rauta. Not one to enter frontal combat so much anymore - though Ch'hkt-a harbored no doubt regarding his abilities and his previous kills - he was seemingly content with teaching the unblooded the other side of the kv'var - furtiveness. Ch'hkt-a, ever the hult'ah (observer), followed his teachings intently. The dto, the woodlands surrounding the K'var-de Clan proved quite apt for practicing the young Yautja's secrecy, both with and without her camouflage. She took her time to learn its strengths and weaknesses, often competing against her fellow unblooded - and sometimes kv'var-de - in mock Hunts. Once more, she was impressed by the mesh'in'ga she experienced during the Hunt - the raw excitement, the uncertainty; would she find her peers before being found herself? Truthfully, she wasn't half bad at it. Ch'hkt-a was one with her surroundings, nracha-dte (relentless) in her pursuit of the Hunted.
Of a much different tone were the lessons with Syra'yte; long sessions spent in the dim halls of the kehrite - the training hall -, studying the Code and the history of Ch'hkt-a's ancestors. It wasn't that these lessons didn't interest her - far from it; while she admired Syra'yte for his achievements, perhaps he was too strict. “Payas leitjin-de Hma'mi'de.” Syra'yte liked to say. In a sense, Ch'hkt-a felt, he was right. She intently studied the Serpents in preparation for her kiande amedha chiva, and even the oomans held a certain degree of interest to her. Peculiar, varying creatures but, in a way, she knew they could be quite capable hunters, obviously second to the Yautja. Their culture also had Ch'hkt-a interested. What was it, about their music? Not that she would admit it to anybody, obviously.
Best of all, however, was the time Ch'hkt-a spent with Vara'ule. Friends since early childhood, the two exercised, sparred and Hunted together. What kept them together, well. Ch'hkt-a liked to think it was their somewhat opposite personalities; while Vara'ule always was somewhat boisterous, Ch'hkt-a took pride in believing herself to be the most level-headed of the two. On the other hand, it could have just as easily been their coinciding characteristics: both were extremely patient - Ch'hkt-a almost to a fault -, often waiting prey out for entire days. Dha-viath took a certain pleasure in simply observing her quarry, learning its habits to strike where it hurt the most. What was it, that drove her to do it? The h'dui'se of unknowing prey? A good question. Despite everything, at the end of the day, Ch'hkt-a and Vara'ule would regard each other as mei-jadhis, as sisters, utmost respect forming the basis of their relationship.
With an almost silent hiss, Ch'hkt-a looked up, at Dhi'rauta. When the day of her kiande amedha chiva came, he had offered to accompany and oversee the Hunt. Why, Ch'hkt-a had no idea. However, she had grown to appreciate his silent company; it gave her time to think, something she liked to do quite a lot. That time, however, was drawing to a close; within herself, Dha-viath knew the Man'daca had almost reached its destination; soon, she would board a Ner'uda and leave for her first, true Hunt; she would face down the r'ka, the Serpents.
She would face down LV-624, and become a proper Kv'var-de.
Why should we whitelist you? I try to maintain a believable level of RP all the time; the way I see, Yautja aren't just a means for a personal victory: with the power they hold over the round, they should be used to further roleplay - to further fun. Because, in the end, everybody is a winner as long as fun was had. Were I to be accepted, I would seek to create viable roleplay opportunties, for xenomorphs and marines alike.
Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yep.
Additionally, I would like to thank Coroneljones for letting me apply as part of the Kv'var-de clan;
I would also like to thank Coroneljones, SASoperative and Gelonvia (and possibly others I'm forgetting) for letting me use their characters, and their input.
Last edited by Seehund on 18 Oct 2015, 08:59, edited 1 time in total.
When the voice from the shadows calls you
When the wind whips past your ears
Will you stand when the weight is upon you
Or will you go to your knees in fear?
When the wind whips past your ears
Will you stand when the weight is upon you
Or will you go to your knees in fear?
- coroneljones
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- Joined: 15 Oct 2014, 12:46
- Location: SPESS!
Re: Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
Known in the community
Good backstory.
Known in the community
Good backstory.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide

-Credit goes to SovietCyanide


- Ogard
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Re: Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
I really liked the story and you seem to know what you're talking about, you also are known in the community which is a plus. See ya Space Cowboy, BANG! +1

- SASoperative
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Re: Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
Yup. I see you did add me into this. And I see the backstory is very well written and done. Its up there with some of the better apps. +1
- Mac
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Re: Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
Nice story. You have my +1.
Lennox Clarke- Corporate Asshole or Duty-bound Officer depending on the role.
Manley Maclagan- hot shot pilot, spec, or grunt.
Manley Maclagan- hot shot pilot, spec, or grunt.
- Gelonvia
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Re: Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
It's quite obvious you know what you are talking about to a point where I would feel embarrassed if you all a sudden just started speaking Yautja to me in game cause I wouldn't be able to keep up. Story is well done and short enough for staff to be able to read it over without having to stop and take to much time out of their lives, which is fantastic. Your obviously active and well known in the community, and you got down my character to the "T".
Can't wait to see you on the hunt and see how the Role-play plays out for Vara'ule and Ch'hkt-a as the two Sisters hunt and interact with others on.
+1 well done.
Can't wait to see you on the hunt and see how the Role-play plays out for Vara'ule and Ch'hkt-a as the two Sisters hunt and interact with others on.
+1 well done.
Casca 'Legs' Orivanna: Sanctum Operative, Telecommunications Specialist/CQC Expert
- Seehund
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- Location: Unter dem Meer.
Re: Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
Aw, shucks, you guys.
I just realized, it may not be obvious just how the Hell you're supposed to pronounce that puzzle of a name;
Replace every ' with an a. The spoken result would be roughly "Chahkta Naritha".
I just realized, it may not be obvious just how the Hell you're supposed to pronounce that puzzle of a name;
Replace every ' with an a. The spoken result would be roughly "Chahkta Naritha".
Last edited by Seehund on 20 Oct 2015, 08:27, edited 1 time in total.
When the voice from the shadows calls you
When the wind whips past your ears
Will you stand when the weight is upon you
Or will you go to your knees in fear?
When the wind whips past your ears
Will you stand when the weight is upon you
Or will you go to your knees in fear?
- Jdobbin49
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Re: Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
as all have said before me a really good app you are well known in the community and overall just a really good guy and roleplayer i think you would make an excellent predator i wish you the best of luck jack +1
- Jack McIntyre
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Re: Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
+1 from me, known player have seen them around a lot and after chatting with ya in the shoutbox, you have earned my trust enough to give it to ya.
- Rahlzel
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Re: Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
I'm guessing you speak Yautjanese better than I speak English.
Excellent app.
I'm guessing you speak Yautjanese better than I speak English.
Excellent app.
- SASoperative
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- Location: Mobile constantly. Never really in one spot for long.
Re: Ch'hkt-a N'ritha (Unblooded)
Approved and moved!