Right hello folks, sorry for being away so long lovely stuff with the navy came up and although I'm not as busy as before still without a computer now so give me a few days to see lovely Adam again

. Right back on topic, if I may I have seen the good and bad rp relationships can do. It can destroy friendships and create a lot of fallout, I have been in in game relationships on SS13 and other games, actually married a friend from one rp game on a different one when we played together and honestly it is some of the best rp I ever had a chance to be apart of. That being said we both are adults and basically set up rules although our characters are madly in love with one another we keep it very pg, kissing yea and little stuff like that, but nothing over the line. I also have been engaged in this same game before my character was married and after finding out that my fiancé had cheated in my character which again we chatted about and set up the rp my character who was a rising military general for England and basically was told by the king of England if there was a war I would be one of the main people to lead their armies, the backlash from other players upset our characters were no longer together and the drama mill was one of the reasons my character was removed from the military and basically ostracized from the community. No one literally wanted to chat with him in the taverns and such because of the scandal and this was even something the two characters who had agreed to break up had done because drama. So some good and bad that can occur just as a example.
Now maybe no one cares about my experiences and in which case you can ignore the whole little thing above this line. However I just want to say I do have some experience with dealing with the issue. Now my belief on this simple, we should allow marriages, but as you stated apop we should set up rules. Personally I love the marriage between Tanya and Mike. I mean look at the sanctum thread so many people were so thrilled and happy they tied the knot and when Adam fights alongside Mike and seeing him rp him worrying about her makes me as a character, of someone who considers Mike to be a friend to fight as hard as I can so he can see her again. If Adam would have to sacrifice himself to allow Mike to flee ( although Mike doesn't run already had one instance where I tried

) because he likes seeing that interaction. Adam also teases casca about how she should run off and marry him, he knows the character and it gives them good interactions as they joke around about it. Now you can look at the logs and also see bad rp relationships, Johners here's looking at you buddy. Relationships are great and allow people who may be stuck on the souls on while marines are turtling the fob to have some interactions when they don't have to do their jobs because there is no demand for it at the time.
So I would say let players have people they have background with date and get married and such, but set up rules, because I also agree with the points by the opposition, you are first a marine before a husband and such. Play the game as it is meant to played them have your rp, Adam isn't going to ignore doing his job as a marine if he sometimes flirts with the nurse or doctor that just pulled a alien worm out of his chest. He gets treated and regears and goes back down to the fight. So I am all in favor of rules and relationships. Hell I will even volunteer to help with the rules. I just don't see the need to tie the hands of players on their rp styles if it doesn't literally kill anyone.
Edit: Also key saw your post and for the US military we can have facial hair except for moustaches and not sure of army still has to do high and tights, but the navy lets sailors get sort of a crew cut with sides really short and I will have to look at my little book again, but I believe we can't go over 3 inches on top. I know some of those beards and haircuts unless changed in the past two weeks I have been gone is against US military standards.