What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

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What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Shyguychizzy » 08 Dec 2016, 18:21

This literally a post for times you been enslaved by us Predators your stories or your reaction towards em. I literally wonder thought process at some times, due to the many times its like "Don't rape me or worse". What be your reaction to us predators?
Here be an example which happened one round.
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Long time ago, I, Ka'Torag-na Halkrath, Skilled Master Hunter Of Prey, Unleashed an unspeakable evil upon Xenos and Humans! But a foolish Xeno Hunter wielder of robustness stepped forth and opposed me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore a gate of Salt of Solitude and flung em into the world of CM, and took out their Facehugger Capabilities! Now, this Xeno Fool seeks to return the favour, and undo my evil reign and of many other predator predecessors!

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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Skane10634 » 08 Dec 2016, 18:21

Do it more often, I want this to happen 24/7 all the fucking time

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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Karmac » 08 Dec 2016, 18:27

I remember watching this happen once, while Coroneljones was still a pred, personally the only real interaction I've had with preds has been, losing an honor duel and killing Scrat505's pred with a boot knife.
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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Renomaki » 08 Dec 2016, 23:18

Honestly, I never did become a slave to a predator yet.. But as a xeno queen, I did sell off a marine into slavery to keep the peace between xenos and Predators.

I can only imagine what they marine thought at the time, being let out of his cell, only to be made into a predator's slave boy (until he would pop anyways)?
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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Shyguychizzy » 09 Dec 2016, 00:11

Renomaki wrote:Honestly, I never did become a slave to a predator yet.. But as a xeno queen, I did sell off a marine into slavery to keep the peace between xenos and Predators.

I can only imagine what they marine thought at the time, being let out of his cell, only to be made into a predator's slave boy (until he would pop anyways)?
Mmmmmm was dis a recent round? I recall getting a slave who was recently hugged. We fixed him and got the larva made it kill a elite sentinel then attempted fight another one we saved from bursting. Fun times. All good until we made both slaves fight had to eat one for escaping.
"Young Carrier (920) (follow) hisses, "Shut up both of you or we aren't going to invade disneyland."

Long time ago, I, Ka'Torag-na Halkrath, Skilled Master Hunter Of Prey, Unleashed an unspeakable evil upon Xenos and Humans! But a foolish Xeno Hunter wielder of robustness stepped forth and opposed me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore a gate of Salt of Solitude and flung em into the world of CM, and took out their Facehugger Capabilities! Now, this Xeno Fool seeks to return the favour, and undo my evil reign and of many other predator predecessors!

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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Sailor Dave » 09 Dec 2016, 13:07

It was very recent. The day before yesterday, I think. It was roughly just before the xenos went to the Sulaco.

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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Toroic » 09 Dec 2016, 17:07

Preds can't enslave xenos because the queen can order suicide
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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Renomaki » 09 Dec 2016, 23:09

Toroic wrote:Preds can't enslave xenos because the queen can order suicide
I think he was talking about the human, not the larva.

Besides, xenos would make bad slaves. They can't pick up things with their claws.
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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Heckenshutze » 09 Dec 2016, 23:13

Renomaki wrote:Honestly, I never did become a slave to a predator yet.. But as a xeno queen, I did sell off a marine into slavery to keep the peace between xenos and Predators.

I can only imagine what they marine thought at the time, being let out of his cell, only to be made into a predator's slave boy (until he would pop anyways)?

This is my major concern.. Why predators make 'peace' with Xenos? aren't they on the planet to HUNT them? Humans are only the collateral damage
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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Renomaki » 09 Dec 2016, 23:14

Shyguychizzy wrote:Mmmmmm was dis a recent round? I recall getting a slave who was recently hugged. We fixed him and got the larva made it kill a elite sentinel then attempted fight another one we saved from bursting. Fun times. All good until we made both slaves fight had to eat one for escaping.
Sounds pretty similar to my experience as queen. Predator came up to us at Tcomms asking for humans, I decided it would be a good way to keep it's trust and keep it out of our way, so I allow it to take one of our recently captured hosts, explaining to the swarm that I am only doing it for the better good of the hive, since I didn't want to worry about predators hindering my progress.

Besides, at the point we were at, human hosts weren't all that important anymore, all I wanted was to rip and tear the remainder of the human forces. A shame that at the end, the truce between predators and aliens wouldn't last when the queen mother ordered us to return to the planet to kill off the remaining humans, who if I am correct were the slaves belonging to the predators.

Oh well, all part of the great game of survival. And it was a good game indeed.
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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Renomaki » 09 Dec 2016, 23:22

Heckenshutze wrote:This is my major concern.. Why predators make 'peace' with Xenos? aren't they on the planet to HUNT them? Humans are only the collateral damage
Predators on this server are pretty weird, due to how the rules are set. If predators weren't held back as they are, you'd probably see a lot more carnage.

And it wasn't so much a peace as a "We leave you alone if you leave us alone" kinda deal. One player best described it as a "Cold War" of sorts, which was bound to boil over at some point. There was a bit of fighting before the end, and near the end the alien swarm killed them all with little trouble due to them "protecting" (AKA owning slaves) the last of the humans that the Queen Mother wanted dead.
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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Heckenshutze » 09 Dec 2016, 23:32

Renomaki wrote:Predators on this server are pretty weird, due to how the rules are set. If predators weren't held back as they are, you'd probably see a lot more carnage.

And it wasn't so much a peace as a "We leave you alone if you leave us alone" kinda deal. One player best described it as a "Cold War" of sorts, which was bound to boil over at some point. There was a bit of fighting before the end, and near the end the alien swarm killed them all with little trouble due to them "protecting" (AKA owning slaves) the last of the humans that the Queen Mother wanted dead.

Ah yes, i was spectating that event it was funny as hell.

You got a point and i understand now
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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by LordeKilly » 10 Dec 2016, 09:08

I always try to fist fight it or flex on him, challenge to a game of basketball because my character is a stud.

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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 10 Dec 2016, 09:48

Never been captured.
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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by TheMusician321 » 10 Dec 2016, 13:22

do it more often, I love pred roleplays because it's such a different thing compared to the regular thing of going down planetside, buckshotting runners and hunters then turning them into slabs of meat which I keep in my webbing as a sort of trophy or eat whenever I get hungry.
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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by Eenkogneeto » 10 Dec 2016, 15:39

I cant be a preds slave because I'm too lazy to put my computer in english locale so I can understand them. RIP

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Re: What do marines or xenos think whenever us Predators enslave you or reaction?

Post by SlothMan » 14 Dec 2016, 22:08

I got hit with a sleeping dart and then I start floating, predator uncloaks slaps some cuffs on me and takes me to the temple where he removes my gear and puts on gladiator stuff. I end up fighting my way through and succeeding and I get to become an apprentice where I mounted an attack on the marine FOB with another apprentice.
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