Trailer to new "Alien" film

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Trailer to new "Alien" film

Post by MChosen » 25 Dec 2016, 07:44

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Re: Trailer to new "Alien" film

Post by completelynewguy » 25 Dec 2016, 07:48

Best case scenario: 10/10 movie that washes out all of the terrible, TERRIBLE Aliens media this past decade or two.

Worst case scenario: Boring, uninspired flop that contribute much and has managed to rake in enough money for a Cinematic Universe(tm) of sorts for the Prometheus/Engineers aspect of Aliens.

Either way: we get more lore, equipment-weapon ideas and possibly a new map.

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Byond: Larry Ortega

Re: Trailer to new "Alien" film

Post by LarryOrtega » 25 Dec 2016, 13:08

That tráiler seems 10/10, i want to see more Colonial marines in it, and not just people getting slaughered.
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In 1,000 years a relic. In 5,000 years archaeological remains. In 10,000 years an ancient mystery.
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Re: Trailer to new "Alien" film

Post by Toroic » 25 Dec 2016, 13:13

If you think this is a 10/10 trailer for a good movie you are wrong.

It's basically prometheus meets alien, soft reboot or episode 7 style where it hits all the same tired notes over again.

There's a reason alien and aliens are the best movies in the series and everything else is a pile of smoking garbage
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Re: Trailer to new "Alien" film

Post by LarryOrtega » 25 Dec 2016, 13:16

I said was a 10/10 tráiler, i dint say that will be a good movie, just look Suicide squad and all the other movies with 10/10 trailers...

I hope that this will be a good movie, not more of the old stuff.
"In 100 years more we will be a story.In 200 years an epic period.In 500 years a medieval tale.
In 1,000 years a relic. In 5,000 years archaeological remains. In 10,000 years an ancient mystery.
In 20,000 years a legend like Atlantis. We are nothing. Life is so short and death so long. "

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Re: Trailer to new "Alien" film

Post by Toroic » 25 Dec 2016, 13:50

LarryOrtega wrote:I said was a 10/10 tráiler, i dint say that will be a good movie, just look Suicide squad and all the other movies with 10/10 trailers...

I hope that this will be a good movie, not more of the old stuff.
Except this isn't a 10/10 trailer because it reveals way too much for a horror film. They gave away at least 3 major surprises.

1) Backburster

2) Hugger popping

3) Shower death

Ridley Scott is a hack milking the goodwill of increasingly tasteless fans of his work.

There are forums where people think Prometheus was one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time. They have terrible taste.

Alien was a great horror film that knew when to hold back and let your imagination terrify you, along with well-written characters.

Aliens was a campy 80's action movie with some awesomely bad quotes, good action, and an iconic showdown. The original predator is largely in the same vein, and enjoyable for similar reasons though the film isn't as good.

Ali3ns: pile of shit

Prometheus: pile of shit

Covenent: pile of shit (calling it now)

All the AvP movies are pretty questionable in terms of writing and quality.

The comic books range from "Interesting but contradicts lore in the movies" to "Aliens vs Vampirella" utter garbage.

The entire franchise exists because of 3 good to great films in an awesomely 80's way followed by lazy and uninspired films that have never approached acceptable writing.
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Re: Trailer to new "Alien" film

Post by LordeKilly » 25 Dec 2016, 14:51

I just like Michael Fassbender in spooky movies. He's got that neo-nazi, "i want to eradicate you and everything your race has stood for" look in my opinion and usually ends up being the spookiest part of any movie regardless of role.

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