The Sugar Thread

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Byond: Larry Ortega

The Sugar Thread

Post by LarryOrtega » 03 Jan 2017, 00:01

Since we have a salt thread [viewtopic.php?f=114&t=10621], we will have a Sugar one, Let me start;

>I love when an alien steps on my mines and i bash the hell out of him
>I love when a runner punce at me and boink on a Wall
>I love when i´m a SL and my team follow me and my orders
>I love when marines help to carry wounded
>I love when engies protect the sentries with their lives
>I love when marines fortify LZ1
>I love when RO send supplies fast
>I love when aliens RP with marines[Once, we found a hunter, and we start to poke it, and the hunter started to dance, so we pet him and i call him Roger]
>I love when preds just dont fuck your life
>I love when preds decap you and take off your head [Just kidding, everybody hates that] [I´m talking to you, Headcrab]
>I love when we kill a pred, and he cannot Boom and we loot the shit out of him
>I love when MP´s put SSD on cryo and help to transport wounded
>I love when i escape from the alien hive. [I think i´m an expert, i have escaped like 15 times in november/December]
>I love when i´m a SL, and i get hugged, and i set my OB and rekt aliens
>I love when SL´s do teamwork
>I love when Smartgunners stay behind marines
>I love when a SADAR take a crusher/rav/queen out
>I love when i have Reno as Combat engineer in my team
>I love when i have Alissa as Combat medic in my team
>I love when i flash and cuff noah 30 times as standart marine.
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I´m the SL/Doc Elliot Riggle

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Byond: NoahKirchner

Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by NoahKirchner » 03 Jan 2017, 00:05

I love when I, as an alien, get to disable a marine to the point where he can't stand. I then like to cut his chest and drag him around in circles until his torso degloves itself and he dies from bloodloss or just brute damage from his wounds opening.

Also I like orange juice.
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Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Renomaki » 03 Jan 2017, 00:13

When I go xeno, I learned to love fighting without huggers. Ripping arms off is so much more fun!

I also love it when I win as as non-combat role, like CO, RO, or doctor. Makes me feel like I really contributed to the team.

And of course a lot of what Larry said also applies. Having people listen to you as SL is great~
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Byond: Rain7x

Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Rain7x » 03 Jan 2017, 00:26

NoahKirchner wrote:I love when I, as an alien, get to disable a marine to the point where he can't stand. I then like to cut his chest and drag him around in circles until his torso degloves itself and he dies from bloodloss or just brute damage from his wounds opening.

Also I like orange juice.
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Byond: Obscurify

Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Obscurify » 03 Jan 2017, 00:28

I love nailing xeno's point blank with buckshot.
I love when I get critically injured inside the hive and I'm still walking so I say "fuck it" and go rambo and end up killing the queen.
I love when rounds last long without becoming tedium or a drag.
I love when I get a good squad leader AND good squad mates, so we end up working as a cohesive unit.
I love being a specialist, using the sniper, and saving a marine from being mauled to death by a xeno.

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Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Karmac » 03 Jan 2017, 00:32

>I love building girders to block xeno from flanking nexus defences only to watch a hunter slash them up, then rebuild said girders only to watch them get slashed again
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Obscurify » 03 Jan 2017, 00:34

Carmac wrote:>I love building girders to block xeno from flanking nexus defences only to watch a hunter slash them up, then rebuild said girders only to watch them get slashed again
This appears to be the wrong thread for that.

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Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Karmac » 03 Jan 2017, 00:37

No really I do. It's amusing.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Obscurify » 03 Jan 2017, 00:41

Carmac wrote:No really I do. It's amusing.

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Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Karmac » 03 Jan 2017, 00:43


Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Obscurify » 03 Jan 2017, 00:45

Carmac wrote::^)


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Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Boltersam » 03 Jan 2017, 01:35

I love when I'm not forced to slaughter the Marines or Aliens when they swarm the Predator Lodge in waves, leaving themselves completely defenceless against the other side.

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Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Martzin » 03 Jan 2017, 18:29

i love when the ERTs are IB so i can start a war on the ship and kill commies
The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Lokiki_01 » 04 Jan 2017, 14:08

I love being pulled away, when huggered.
I love when marines shakes up someone downed from tackles/spit/scree
I love, when you can nail some shitty spitter with smartgun
I love, when you walk up to a critted xeno on weeds and destroy weeds, letting alien to bleed out
I love, when marines don't shoot very much if runner on help running between them
I love POs, that won't die in first 10 minutes to a random hunter
I love, when medics treat marines fast and giving tramadol
I love, when you buckshot alien, that crawls from vent nearby
I love, when someone with balls blocks retreating crusher and starts boot knifing him
I love, when marines pulling their sentries in retreat
I love good placed mines and engineers, who collecting them for repositioning
I love, when spec hides his SADAR to the last second, and then blows all funking acid and salt from that Queen
I love, when IBs fighting on walk intent to dodge bullets
I love, when you can destroy everyone on shuttle as young runner
I love hitting my maximum momentum charges
I love when fast runners drag downed Queen away
I love slashing arm off a marine to see the struggle, and see how men fighting to the end even with boot knifes
I love when someone helping people up in the canteen with all these soap memes
I love being first in a RO line just to get flashlight
I love having peri and bicaridine ready at first drop
I love to treat marine from -100% health to combat ready killing machine
I love, when scouting squads getting Nanomed for Fob, so you won't run out of QC
I love when both teams using flanking manoeuvres
I love when someone sacrificing himself by putting mine under himself near bald ravager
I love to see Wooks on the battlefield
And most of all I love our shitty but so nice one community :3
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Byond: desolane900

Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Desolane900 » 08 Jan 2017, 14:28

I love watching things gib.
I love magnetic harnesses.
I love new CT/RO that gives unlimited attachments to Standarts.
I love mutinies.
I love people good with a SADAR.
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Byond: NeroCavalier

Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by nerocavalier » 18 Jan 2017, 14:31

I like when marines grab each other to safety.
I like stabbing aliens with a knife.
I like larva getting yanked out before the marine dies.
I like sawing aliens with the circular saws.
I like when marines don't get shot up when they get pounced on.
I like killing stuff with a machete.
I like when marines care more about each other than getting kills.

I like nice people.

I like causing marines to get FF'd.
I like gently caressing a marine after I violently dislimbed them.
I like pulling fellow aliens to safety.
I like tanking HE rockets meant for a T3 as a runner.
I like being a drone and supporting the hive.
I like wounding a marine, then letting them hobble off a bit before I come back and kill them.
Troublesome, as usual.

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Byond: NoahKirchner

Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by NoahKirchner » 18 Jan 2017, 14:46

I love how all of these posts start off nice, then end with horribly slaughtering someone as an alien.
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Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by tempchar » 18 Jan 2017, 17:56

I like runners being one shot gibbed with a barrel charger shotgun.
I like wearing gas masks.
I like punching the bodies of queens.
I like hearing the sound of a xenomorph dying in the distance.
I like competent medics/docs.

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Byond: Obscurify

Re: The Sugar Thread

Post by Obscurify » 01 Feb 2017, 01:52

I like dragging marines out of the clutches of baldies trying to tear facehuggers off of them so I can shake them up and save their life.
I really like nailing stupid spitters coming a little too far out of the darkness with a burst of AP straight to the eyes.
I really liked that one round when it was 24 marines against 8 xeno's and 80% of casualties were marines FF'ing and the response team was... the pizza delivery man. (ban boiler 199 by the way)
I like getting injured 4-5 times and then retreating to get healed/heal myself, only to charge right back into the front.

Rudy 'Kraut' Acker is me, by the way.

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