How to be nice

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How to be nice

Post by DeadLantern » 26 Jan 2017, 08:50

Green intent always.

Do not FF and when you do FF, apologize profusely and maybe start crying.

When you get FF'd, tell them it was your fault and hug them.

Instead of going to medical aid, find another injured comrade and drag them to a medic, but say "I'm fine, I don't need medical supplies."

Never ever cuss.

Always always say hello upon awakening or getting a radio.

Hug everyone.

Never ever yell in all caps. You can use an exclamation mark though.

Hug some more.

Use the /me when trying to kiss someone on the cheeks.

Apologize profusely when your friend gets hit by a bullet or a slash.

Get in the way of the Xeno scum trying to slash your friend.

Do not bring a gun.

Do not bring a weapon.

Bring a firesuit and fire extinguisher.

If someone calls for help on comms, find them and help them.

Help everyone even if they don't need help. Example, surgeons.

Protect everyone.

Run blindly into combat to help keep your retreating marines alive longer.


Use the mother reports to admit your love for someone.

Love someone.

Like everyone.

You MUST heed these rules at all times when a nice person, except when getting arrested for your kindness. Beat the shit out of MPs.

I learned all of this when playing as Ted Bundy. Thank you, Infant Punter.
Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Meow. Here, Jonesy.

- Famous last words of Brett


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Re: How to be nice

Post by UnknownMurder » 26 Jan 2017, 09:17

Well Made Guide

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