Xeno ability (REEEE)work

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Xeno ability (REEEE)work

Post by Durper » 05 Feb 2017, 21:27

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):

Since the marines are winning the majority of the rounds with their OP guns and boolets I wan't to suggest something to make the ayys have a fighting chance against the infinite marines and infinite supplies the Sulaco has.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

Balancing and immursion

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

Marines can freely choose their loadout at anytime in the round so why can't Xeno's? I'm thinking Xeno's should be able to pick they're chosen aylien ability in whatever cast every time they evolve or upgrade.

For example:

-Crushers can gain the ability to choose to have fire proofing like the ravager if they upgrade.

-Ravagers can now stomp like a Crusher if they choose to when upgrading.

-Queen can have the Boiler Bombardment if she becomes Elite or ancient.

-Hunters can gain the mobility and pounce reduction as runners.

-Boilers can have a armored carapace if upgraded.

-Larvas can gain the ability to Screech like a Queen if they survive long enough.

These are but a few possibilities that can diversify Xeno gameplay by a large margin and will pose an interesting enemy to the marines.
it also makes sense lore wise because Xeno's are always evolving into perfect killing machines so they're evolution should always be concentrated in effectiveness in combat.

Xenos can also posses multiple abilities so even more choices of gameplay for players to enjoy!

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

Code and MAGIC!
Last edited by Durper on 05 Feb 2017, 21:53, edited 1 time in total.

Credits go to: Evan Stelf

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Re: Xeno ability rework

Post by Derpislav » 05 Feb 2017, 21:29

+1 for screech-larva.
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Re: Xeno ability rework

Post by XenonDragneel » 05 Feb 2017, 21:33

*larva in a group of marines*


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Re: Xeno ability (REEEE)work

Post by Karmac » 05 Feb 2017, 22:01

+1 ancient larva memes
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Re: Xeno ability (REEEE)work

Post by SchofieldMK2 » 05 Feb 2017, 22:08


I love the part of the larva

Ayy Larva Combat

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Re: Xeno ability (REEEE)work

Post by Retro » 06 Feb 2017, 00:01

+1 we need this right away, Artious get on this
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Re: Xeno ability (REEEE)work

Post by Obscurify » 06 Feb 2017, 20:16

lmao 'marines win almost every round'

sure man.

-1 because the boiler ability belongs to the boilers. crushers are powerful enough as is and shouldn't be charging much at young age, so on and so forth. this would cause the already unbalanced game to be tipped straight in the xeno's favor

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Re: Xeno ability (REEEE)work

Post by Casany » 06 Feb 2017, 20:45

+100, I'm tired of apop buffing the marines to hell and back! Where the xeno lovin maaaaaAaaang!!
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