Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

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Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Rob606 » 10 Feb 2017, 11:34

Please refrain from posting if you are not involved in this game, use the OOC thread: viewtopic.php?f=129&t=11241&p=119125#p119125

Bristol Port Refuelling Station - Weyland Yutani set this facility up almost half a decade ago, serving as a central point for the nearby colonies within the system. Mining vessels, cargo transports, military patrols and all sorts of other small civilian crafts had no other option than to stop at BPRS and sample it's highlights. It boasted; a shopping block, a food court, a restaurant and hotel, an entertainment quarter and views like no other. All of you are either visitors or residents of the station, enjoying it's facilities or slaving away to keep them running.

Three days ago, it became apparent that a military vessel was approaching the station. This is always big news for BPRS staff as a Military Vessel typically needs at least two days in docking, which guarantees a lot of servicemen and women on shore leave, spending their hard earned credits on all the gouged-up offerings of the station. Rumours began fluttering around BPRS that it was the USS Sulaco, and that it hadn't responded to hails for docking protocols. The station's Administration began sending memos to all staff that conversations about the vessel were to cease immediately, shrouding the situation in mystery.

To those few that knew, the Sulaco was forcibly docked. It took only a day for chaos to run rampant through BPRS. Something was on that ship but it wasn't human, it was so much worse.

Death, screaming and massive explosions have rocked the station since. You all had the sound mind to run for the escape shuttles that were closest to you. When you arrived in Escape Arm Lobby Aft, the small crowd that collected saw how the shuttles had clearly malfunctioned - a few shuttle bays were already empty, the remaining two shuttles were signalling how they had no fuel.

A nearby screen flickers to life, and an unmistakable synth appears - there were a few of them servicing the station. "Attention! These shuttles are currently unusable. You will have to make your way all the way to the only other escape arm, on the Fore. Please make your way carefully as the station is currently in duress. I will hold one shuttle for you and monitor your progress as best as I can from the command centre." The screen flickers to static as you all hear a series of screeches from a hallway nearby, to your left. It's time to RUN!

There are two exits from this lobby, one on the left, and one on the right.

A - Head down the corridor on your right.
B - Head down the corridor on your left.
C - Try desperately to get these shuttles fixed

((This is a big hint, there's only one right answer here. Another will get you instakilled, and the other will get you wounded. Use your common sense))


* Carmac - Garth Powalski (3HP)
* Jaketeaking - James Alfonse (3HP)
* LarryOrtega - Elliot Riggle (3HP)
* CoronelJones - Jack Knight (3HP)
* Imperator_Titan - Ed Trevor (3HP)
* Jay Burns - Jay Burns (3HP)
* Halinder - Persh Aggley (3HP)
* Crono23 - Alaina Koepple (3HP)
* Casany - August Walker (3HP)
* Louisloftcraft - Ivan Poloski (3HP)
* Biolock - Alex Crossman (3HP)
* RedsPro - Sam Greene (3HP)
* MrJJJ - Alexeiy Wolf (3HP)
* Gorglol - Kane Sato (3HP)
* Natorix - Nathan Weathers (3HP)
* DeadLantern - Kazimov Karamov (3HP)
* Martzin - Murdoch 'Mack' Machowic (3HP)
* Jackie Estegado - Arnie Perkins (3HP)
Last edited by Rob606 on 12 Feb 2017, 10:08, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Rob606 » 10 Feb 2017, 11:38


Gristle looks around at his fellow survivors. "Fuck! FUCK FUCK! This situation is just... shit, every man for himself!"
Rob606 wrote: B - Head down the corridor on your left.
((By quoting the main post and highlighting my choice, it'll make it easier for me to pick out who's doing what.))
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Jaketeaking » 10 Feb 2017, 12:03

James looks at the group of people around him, hears the screeching, and runs down the corridor to the right

Rob606 wrote: A - Head down the corridor on your right.
The man known as James 'patch' Alfonse. also gets called hotdog and "lemon.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Jay Burns » 10 Feb 2017, 12:41

Jay hears the screeching, "fuck that shit" he says as he starts running to the right.
Rob606 wrote: A - Head down the corridor on your right.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by MrJJJ » 10 Feb 2017, 13:01

Alexeiy looks at the left corridor "Yeah uh, no thanks" and runs to the right
Rob606 wrote: A - Head down the corridor on your right.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by LarryOrtega » 10 Feb 2017, 13:08

Riggle runs into the right corridor with a panic expression in his face
A - Head down the corridor on your right.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Imperator_Titan » 10 Feb 2017, 13:35

Ed looks around for a moment and then breaks into a sprint upon hearing the screeches and is careful not to fall flat on his face while doing so.
Rob606 wrote:A - Head down the corridor on your right.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by coroneljones » 10 Feb 2017, 13:52

Knight looks to the left, before engaging his inner zoidberg and running to the right, an internal *WOOP WOOP WOOP* happening
Rob606 wrote: A - Head down the corridor on your right.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by crono23 » 10 Feb 2017, 14:14

Alaina follows her comrades down the right corridor, briefly hoping they don't end up like lemmings.
Rob606 wrote:A - Head down the corridor on your right.
Last edited by crono23 on 10 Feb 2017, 16:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Halinder » 10 Feb 2017, 14:24

"Ah, fuck. We're on the wrong side of the fucking station." Persh considers staying behind -- he doesn't want to walk across the refueling station if there's anything he can do about it -- but without fuel, there's not much point. He joins the group going down the right-hand corridor.
Rob606 wrote: A. Head down the corridor on your right. ... 2fa13b.png

LOOC: Halinder: p.s. the alien hive has huggers that you can use for breathing masks
LOOC: Barnabus Jones: Perfect game tips and tricks from halinder

[D] OOC: Eonoc: Hitler was a giant glowing yellow bug lizard. A very charismatic one.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Casany » 10 Feb 2017, 14:25

August, not being a total idiot, decides to follow the big group
A - Head down the corridor on your right.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Karmac » 10 Feb 2017, 18:25

Garth calmly strolls down the right hand path, scanning the group of people hurriedly shuffling along and wondering if any of them have a toolbox.
I choose the Right Path.

Sorry made the mistake of doing this on my phone, I'll use my computer next time.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by louisloftcraft » 10 Feb 2017, 19:08

Ivan stays for a while thinking on what to do but realises he waited just a bit to long, after seeing all his new found comrades melt away fast in the chaos; some went left some went right, he was the last one to go. BLYAT! WAIT FOR IVAN! * starts running down the right path.

"A - Head down the corridor on your right."
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by RedsPro » 10 Feb 2017, 22:02

Sam states "That sounds like the way im NOT Gonna go." as he begins chasing after the others

A - Head down the corridor on your right.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Natorix » 11 Feb 2017, 09:11

With one last fleeting glance, Nathan decides to put as much distance between him and the screeching as possible, and starts sprinting after the others.
A - Head down the corridor on your right
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Gorglol » 11 Feb 2017, 10:04

Kane looks around at the other survivors with wild eyes "COME ON, move move move!" and backs slowly towards the corridor on his right before he turns around and jogs into to the pathway.
Rob606 wrote: A - Head down the corridor on your right.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Martzin » 11 Feb 2017, 18:03

Murdoch quickly runs with the larger group towards the right, desperately attempting to keep himself calm. He squeezes into the middle of the large huddle of survivors as a comfort.
Rob06 wrote:A- Head down the corridor on your right.
The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Biolock » 12 Feb 2017, 01:24

Alex Crossman mumbles something under his breath about "going off alone" and the "three rules of surviving a horror movie" before trailing off with the group that booked it to the right corridor.
Rob606 wrote: A - Head down the corridor on your right.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Jackie Estegado » 12 Feb 2017, 04:26

As Arnie Perkins comes out of temporaly space sleep disorder, he catches the face of Nathan as he is fleeing and hearing the screeches inmidietly joins him.
A - Head down the corridor on your right
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Rob606 » 12 Feb 2017, 10:25

Arrivals Lobby
Klaxons wailed and a red light flashed constantly as the emergency evacuation warning kicked on. It was a little too late, but at least it was on. Meanwhile, the group quickly makes a joint decision to run in the opposite direction of the screeches, their fight or flight instincts choosing the latter option. A few bends around the bland, utilitarian corridors of the station led them to the civilian shuttle arrival lobby. It was designed to take on smaller crafts for refuelling, with a security checkpoint in the lobby to process the visitors before entering the station proper.

With the emergency situation on the station, however, the main doors that lead to the shopping district were bolted shut. A small voice was saying shrilly "Please make your way to the nearest emergency shuttle, this is not a drill. The station is evacuating. Please make your -" and continued incessantly. The security checkpoint undoubtedly has the capability of lifting the lockdown for this lobby, allowing entrance to the shopping district. There are also some luggage containers that have been left askew in the lobby. It looks like a maintenance closet is on the fritz, it's doors are open wide enough for someone to reach into, however it occasionally sparks electricity out. Glancing inside, there are some items on show - crowbars, a multi-tool, even a first-aid kit. It would be possible to reach inside and grab these items that are closest.

A - Try and find a way into the security checkpoint, and open the main doors.
B - Rummage through the arrivals room for anything useful.
C - Risk getting into the maintenance closet for the items.


* Carmac - Garth Powalski (3HP)
* Jaketeaking - James Alfonse (3HP)
* LarryOrtega - Elliot Riggle (3HP)
* CoronelJones - Jack Knight (3HP)
* Imperator_Titan - Ed Trevor (3HP)
* Jay Burns - Jay Burns (3HP)
* Halinder - Persh Aggley (3HP)
* Crono23 - Alaina Koepple (3HP)
* Casany - August Walker (3HP)
* Louisloftcraft - Ivan Poloski (3HP)
* Biolock - Alex Crossman (3HP)
* RedsPro - Sam Greene (3HP)
* MrJJJ - Alexeiy Wolf (3HP)
* Gorglol - Kane Sato (3HP)
* Natorix - Nathan Weathers (3HP)
* DeadLantern - Kazimov Karamov (3HP)
* Martzin - Murdoch 'Mack' Machowic (3HP)
* Jackie Estegado - Arnie Perkins (3HP)

((Okay there are two lessons to be taught here - all of these choices will still resolve with the same progression, moving into the next area together. HOWEVER, this is only if at least a couple people work together to solve the room's primary obstacle - the security checkpoint. Otherwise, you will all be stuck here. There are times in this game where you will have to 'sacrifice' your choice for the good of the group. Talk IC if you need to decide who will do it.))
ALSO I see some of you are having trouble with my simple request of quoting your answer, so I'll make it easier, literally put your choice in quotes.

Code: Select all

[quote]x - my choice[/quote]
Last edited by Rob606 on 12 Feb 2017, 13:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Halinder » 12 Feb 2017, 10:58

Persh was not a smart man, but he knew enough to guess that the only thing stopping that maintenance closet from slamming shut was the slightest outside interference; bumping into it would probably mean a lost arm or worse.

However, he knew that the arrivals room probably wouldn't have the tools needed to get into the checkpoint -- clothing and toothpaste don't exactly lend themselves well to breaking and entering. Knowing damned well that there was nothing but air between them and the screeching a few halls back, Persh decided to go for the maintenance closet without consulting anyone else.
C - Risk getting into the maintenance closet for the items. ... 2fa13b.png

LOOC: Halinder: p.s. the alien hive has huggers that you can use for breathing masks
LOOC: Barnabus Jones: Perfect game tips and tricks from halinder

[D] OOC: Eonoc: Hitler was a giant glowing yellow bug lizard. A very charismatic one.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Natorix » 12 Feb 2017, 13:20

Having worked at arrivals for awhile now, Nathan knew that there would be at least some items of use amidst all the clutter of the hastily discarded containers.
B - Rummage through the arrivals room for anything useful.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by apophis775 » 12 Feb 2017, 13:36

This is a sub-forum for news, Discussion, and co-ordination of other non-SS13 games. Not for playing games...
If you want to continue this, I suggest Acid Goop with the other forum games.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by apophis775 » 12 Feb 2017, 13:45

Re-opened. Future forum games will go in Acid Goop until there are enough of them to warrant a sub-forum.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by coroneljones » 12 Feb 2017, 14:39

Knight looks to the maintenace closet as it opens and closes, looking down at his still intact limbs before he decides to look around in the luggage first "Come on...Come on.."
Rob606 wrote:Arrivals Lobby
My Choice
B - Rummage through the arrivals room for anything useful.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide
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