A marines guide to a super hive

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Byond: Blazerules

A marines guide to a super hive

Post by Blazerules » 21 Feb 2017, 12:00

Now there are many ways to make a hive, but not all of them are capable of creating a hive that is both effective and makes every marine shit his pants.

See a good hive should do 3 things. It should protect xenos, make it easy to strike at humans in it and kill all hope.

Some people put walls, some sticky resin alongside doors and call it a day. Others make elaborate mazes with doors that lead nowhere and confuse marines.

But you see there is beauty in simplicity. And this here guide will provide you with a hive that marines fear and admins hate. Perhaps it is too op, so expect admin intervention so that marines actually stand a chance.

First find an open field, the xeno side of the river on LV works perfectly. Now look at your walls and doors. Fuck them. Put down sticky resin in a checker pattern and then fill up the holes with more sticky resin.

Congratulations! You have just made a sticky resin field. But Mr. Marine how is this good? Well firstly fuck sticky resin. We marines avoid it as if it will give us alien STDs. You can't shoot it and the only real way to kill it is with a knife or flamer. The knife takes ages and we don't take many flamers. How does sticky resin benefit you though? Well firstly it makes marines SLOW. You can attack them from the darkness and them attempting to give chase is a joke.

Better yet? Boilers will kill them no problem. Due to the lack of walls boilers can bombard the slow marines no problem. They can't even run away due to slowness. Even better? Crusher charges. Hell if marines decide to clear out the sticky resin it will takes YEARS and we all know how impatient they are. So you either have marines with an extremely slow advance or a slightly faster one in which you can pick them off no problem.

Well done you have just won the round. Spam that sticky resin whenever you can because it is more effective than walls against us marines. Seriously at least we can shoot those down easily AND they get in the way of boilers/crushers. We love those walls, they keep us safe more so than you.

The fact that sticky resin is criminally underused is a godsend. Its basically your version of mines except infinite. Let's change that today.

This guide is half joke and half serious because holy shit is a sticky resin field the best thing to kill marine moral. So for safe measure I'm posting it here in the Acid Goop

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Byond: Caleboz45

Re: A marines guide to a super hive

Post by caleeb101 » 21 Feb 2017, 13:31

I hope people post tips for marines as well. The only tip I have picked up off this forum is that you hope for the best and sigh when it all crashes and burns.
Frank Jensen/Al 'Varez' Suarez

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Byond: Blazerules

Re: A marines guide to a super hive

Post by Blazerules » 21 Feb 2017, 14:32

Marine pro tip: Stick to your SL and follow orders. Scientists say this increases life expectancy. Really if you aren't robust don't chase xenos, stick close to marines and shoot when you know you'll hit. If tons of xenos are in a small room (chapel) burst fire makes them retreat real fast. Can push out 10 xenos easy, least I have.

Bonus points if you save your fellow marines rather than standing like a baldie as they get pounced and dragged off. Marines dont get respawns, don't get second chances if hugger impregnates them. Save them when you can unless you want to be outnumbered.

But that's just advice that served me quite well in the past.

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