Player name you use the most: Erin Kowalski normally but I'll be play Kill Barson for my commander role.
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
no i have never been banned sir
- Example: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=10027 | Griefing; 3-day ban
- Exact formatting is helpful but not required.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I have played a lot of captain here on hippiestation before it was whitelisted, and I really think that I have what it takes to be able to validhunt the catbeasts.
What you can expect of me as captain on your station:
Very good hub names with my station charter.
I will make sure to have all of the antags be publically lynched for your viewing pleasure.
I will be sure to always give the clown all access IDs.
A very RP friendly name that will fit in with hippiestation's high rp
paperwork will be a requirement for all cargo staff
What I might be bad at:
I am not robust
My english is not the best
I can't spell
My spacebar is breaking
I've been command jobbanned before but it wasn't my fault my brother was using my account so it doesnt really count
Ok thank you for taking the time to read my application, I hope to see you all onboard the NSS Exodus soon. Kill Barson out.