From the Depths, to the Stars

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Byond: mizolo

From the Depths, to the Stars

Post by mizolo » 03 Apr 2017, 16:37

You are cruising in space as a cruiser/frigate with 2 dual kinetic shell cannons on the top, and on the bottom of your ship, you have excessive anti-small craft plasma flak which burns a small craft as it passes through the plasma flak into molten chunks, as any good cruiser/frigate should.
You have a cloaking device that lasts for 30 seconds, but must re-charge for about 15 minutes after you use it, and if you really drive excessive power into it, 10 minutes, but you can't fire your guns. You have a missle launcher on the top that is basically the equivelent of a short-ranged torpedo.
You have a new technology of a plasma shield which can both melt kinetic shells before they hit, but cannot stop them and absorb energy beams, but takes so much power, you can't fire you weapons unless it's the torpedoes. You are in a sector that is not expecting much fighting from the russians or the japaneese.

hull: average
armor: weak but not a tin can like small craft
shields: new and improved (avoids radar by absorbing beams)
4 total double cannons, 2 on top, and two on the bottom takes 15 seconds to reload both shells, 10 to reload one.
a torpedo launcher with two settings, self-propelled (accurate, but less damage), and loose torp (not accurate at long ranges but LOADS of damage and penetration)
anti-small craft: exceptional
cloak: lasts 30 seconds and 15 minutes to recharge
engine: pretty damn good

You spot something on your radar that catches your eye, and believe it or not, you still use binoculars to view the ship from afar using the ship's auto-binocular system. To your amazement, and to your absolute horror, it's a capital class dreadnought, and on the side is branded in bright, red, Japaneese colors. YAMATO
You spend some time watching it, and after a while it moves, but very, very, slowly. They still haven't hailed or seemed to have spotted you yet, probably to the anti-radar shield you have installed so you take a quick inventory of your armament.

shells: since you weren't expected to face fighting, you have only about 30 shells, definitely not enough for the Yamato
torpedoes: 6

You can tell from looking through the ship screen of these things that are on the Yamato and through closely watching it.

Yamato Summary:
hull: bulky
armor: OPUS class sloping armor (ridiculously armored)
Shields: weak electron shields that shells and only loose torps can go through
8 triple barreled cannons, 3 on the top front, 3 on bottom front, and 2 on top and bottom back facing backwards, reload is unkown.
anti-small craft: almost as good as yours
cloak: none
engine: strong, but not strong enough to push this massive dreadnought around very quickly.
a massive arrangement of radio antennae.
There is no way you can penetrate the turrets, unless you get right on top of it and fire directly downwards with a loose torp the electron shields will disrupt the guidance missiles unless you find a way to take them out, even then, you might have to get a little hole in it first in order to penetrate it's armor. You notice it's bridge isn't very protected, and it's shields aren't either, they seem to have focused their armor on the main hull of the ship and armament.

what will you do?:
A: fight, give them a surprise (they won't send for help for a "puny ass little cruiser"
B: Send for backup (chance of detection is about 50%, but help will arrive, but if Yamato picks it up, they will send their fleet as well)
C: Send a distress beacon (you will be spotted and engaged, multiple ships from both sides will come, and probably a massive capital fleet ship battle will occur, MUCH more friendlies will arrive than enemies though, but it's a YAMATO, not some stupid little medium-dreadnought, this is supposed to not go down easy or without a fight, it's a second Yamato, and the Japanese will not let it sink again without a massive fight.
D: Other (a legitimate one, not run away, there is a big home-world nearby that you are assigned to protect)
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Re: From the Depths, to the Stars

Post by Gumpson » 04 Apr 2017, 01:46


Send a Distress Signal

keep things CM friendly ;)

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Re: From the Depths, to the Stars

Post by Azmodan412 » 04 Apr 2017, 06:58

mizolo wrote: B: Send for backup (chance of detection is about 50%, but help will arrive, but if Yamato picks it up, they will send their fleet as well)
Looking at the armament of our cruiser and the armament of the Yamato, I'd opt for the discretionary option and say run away, but as this seems to be a combat encounter, I'd like to get a little more firepower than bugbites to bring to bear. Either way we are getting backup, but they have a 50/50 chance to get backup and as the engines are strong enough to push it but not fast, it can't lock on to a smaller and more agile combatant, especially if there are two. Wolf pack tactics. If this succeeds, park the ship out of sight right above the bridge and fire down on the weakest points, positioning the other craft behind to see if they can't cripple the engines.

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Re: From the Depths, to the Stars

Post by MrJJJ » 06 Apr 2017, 01:14


Fuck fighting capital class dreadnoughts alone, lets get the backup

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