Who wants to be a robot? (Snype's naming conventions)

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Re: Who wants to be a robot? (Snype's naming conventions)

Post by XSlayer300 » 15 Feb 2018, 23:01

Well, how about me?
"Feels so... Memey. Wants fries. And says CARP!" ~ Daniel 'Exo' Aye (Me), a Spec, Smartgunner, Cargo Tech and Pilot marine main. Also a guy who's doing wiki work (Plus bonus images).
Image - Okand37 for the art.
Other characters:
Danielle 'Exie' Aye | Xenomorph # (254444) | W-Y Operative Xi | Merecenary ??? | UPP Soldier ??? | CLF Terrorist ???
Have a xeno with a gun. =)

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Re: Who wants to be a robot? (Snype's naming conventions)

Post by Tylaaaaar » 18 Feb 2018, 18:25

hello is this the kebab shop?
That guy who plays as Roberto Conrad.


I am R O B U S T

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Re: Who wants to be a robot? (Snype's naming conventions)

Post by Snypehunter007 » 22 Feb 2018, 14:55

manezinho wrote:
12 Feb 2018, 22:17
Let me get in on this even though I'm not sure exactly what's happening.
Built(x2), V.1's awareness was found lacking and scrapped. Watch V.2 for improvement.
Bibiex wrote:
13 Feb 2018, 10:46
Borgify me. I'm tired of being a filthy ooman.
Built(x2), V.1's vocalizer had a glitch when attempting to pronounce certain words. V.2's vocalizer is functioning normally.
DarkSpeeder wrote:
14 Feb 2018, 11:36
me 2 pls thx
Built(x4), V.1-V.3 vocalizer's were faulty. V.4's vocalizer is functioning normally.
NethIafins wrote:
14 Feb 2018, 13:08
Yes. I must comply
Built(x1), V.1 shows proficiency for firearms. Recommend transfer to 'Enforcer' program.
VitorThauma wrote:
14 Feb 2018, 13:19
robots are nice, i want to be one
Built(x2), V.1's vocalizer was faulty. V.2's vocalizer appears fine.
Heckenshutze wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 10:58
My body is ready.
Built(x1), V.1 shows proficiency for firearms. Recommend transfer to 'Enforcer' program.
XSlayer300 wrote:
15 Feb 2018, 23:01
Well, how about me?
Built(x1), V.1 shows a proficiency for construction. Recommend transfer to 'Builder' program.
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Re: Who wants to be a robot? (Snype's naming conventions)

Post by Kesserline » 22 Feb 2018, 15:22

*puts his breath mask on*

Can a robot wear a breath mask to be tacticool ? If yes, okay. If not... How can the robot be tacticool ?

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Re: Who wants to be a robot? (Snype's naming conventions)

Post by Weaselburg » 22 Feb 2018, 15:35

This future unit requires a upgrade from this fleshy body to be able to kill and/or convert filthy meatbags. Preferably with flame or superheated plasma.
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You know, it really surprised me when IKEA bought Disney.- The biggest surprise was KFC buying IBM, to be honest
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