New player, saying thanks

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New player, saying thanks

Post by Skubblers » 15 Aug 2017, 14:29


TL;DR: I give my whole-hearted thanks to the devs, mods, and the players for making CM such a fun gameplay and roleplay experience. It's an absolute blast to play with you all - even people I haven't properly played with in-game - and I just wanted to say so.

I only started playing CM late last week, but have a smattering of experience with SS13 in general (albeit from years and years ago) so I've not been having too much trouble finding my way around the interface or anything; still boot as fuck. The guides are a huge help, so thanks to their respective authors!

Every round I've been in so far, I've served as Dutch Fury, regular marine, usually as a fresh-out-of-boot style character. Suits me as a player.

I don't know anybody's Byond keys or anything, but regardless, want to say thanks in particular to:
Randers Norg - During my first game, Norg shouted at me that I was in Alpha and pointed me to the correct prep room. Could have been bad, but I managed to get on the ground and got chopped to pieces by aliuems.
Lucas McName, I think - Employed me as packmule while the other engie was being an absolute shit shirking his duties as engineer. Was very understanding and gave me some tips on playing.
Thomas Merrick - Talkative, lent him a cigarette, was fun to keep watch on him after I died.
Also, Annie Riker, I'm sorry I called you a shithead. It was absolutely needless and witless.

Thanks again, happy playing!

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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Cairath » 15 Aug 2017, 14:31

Glad to have you aboard! Hope you'll enjoy your stay and feel free to try new and exciting roles.

I'm Victoria Vile, though I doubt you'll see me unless you break Marine law or listen to command channel as nowadays my most played are Executive Officer and Chief (of) Military Police.
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by CrimsonAerospace » 15 Aug 2017, 14:43

Welcome to the shit boot, hope you enjoy your tour. Don't break too many laws too early.
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Skubblers » 15 Aug 2017, 14:44

Thanks Cairath, I've seen Victoria Vile in passing but I'm way too much of a good boy to get on the bad side of military police!

(If you don't count rampant use of obscenities and leaving cigarette ends everywhere.)

Cheers Crimson! :)

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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by CrimsonAerospace » 15 Aug 2017, 14:48

Skubblers wrote:
Cheers Crimson! :)
I play Bigby Farkas, casual asshole who tends to play a more supportive role. Pretty chill and friendly overall, tends to overreact and dramatize his anger.
And Cledwyn Price, Weyland-loyal Researcher/CL.
Kane "Saint" Romano - Laid back kid just trying to see the galaxy. Reveres the dead, and takes it upon himself to record all the actions and deaths of the Battalion to pass on.
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Skubblers » 15 Aug 2017, 14:59

CrimsonAerospace wrote:I play Bigby Farkas, casual asshole who tends to play a more supportive role. Pretty chill and friendly overall, tends to overreact and dramatize his anger.
And Cledwyn Price, Weyland-loyal Researcher/CL.
Oh great! Half-certain I've been on your squad at least a couple times too.

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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Challenger » 15 Aug 2017, 15:03

First rounds of CM are a magical experience for most people, I would hope.

I remember playing my first round, prepping on the Almayer, wiki in hand, then I got to the hangar and found Vlad "Red Guard" Koffman there willing to be my battle buddy. He didn't talk much but he got me around the important areas and what to do and not to do, then we deployed down. It was Big Red and I went with him straight from LZ1 into medbay, where the aliens were already swarming, and I took out my shotgun and gave them a good blast. Then kept *click*ing because I didn't know how to pump it.

Koffman, a true battle buddy, recognizes this is happening to me mid-battle, throws his M4 at me, and yells at me to give him my shotgun and use his rifle instead.

We died five seconds later to the queen screeching and aliens shredding us apart. I haven't seen him on much since, but he really got me into the feel of CM.

What do you guys remember about your first rounds?
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Kerek » 15 Aug 2017, 15:20

God, my first round ever. Best round I ever played. I was so terrified, didn't know what anything was or did. Barely played any SS13. I ended up hiding in hydro, under a table in paincrit, crying for help. Good fun.

But enjoy the first month or so of playing, those are the most magical, seriously. Still learning the maps and the game. So much fun. ~Ryan Steelberg and Horace Wallenber, reporting for duty. Hope to see you around! :)
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by solidfury7 » 15 Aug 2017, 15:33

First round ever I was an Bridge Officer.

I was totally new and opened the shutters to the dropship during transit and ended up killing a few men (they fell out somehow) admin nearly banned me but seemed to realise I was bald.

It's why I've always made an effort with newer people and ultimately become a mentor. CM is quite honestly a shitshow for new players.

Oh and don't get me started on being new with a gyro buckshot. I ended up killing two marines in cargo one after another because my reflexes to reload and the dodgy UI lag we used to have.

Somehow the admins realised it was just an unfortunate event rather than malicious act.
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Skubblers » 15 Aug 2017, 15:36

Awesome, Challenger. Cheers Kneez, hope to see you too!

During my first five or so rounds, a couple of players really got me into the "feel" of CM, as you say: One whose last name was Cunningham, and the other was Thomas Merrick. Also another guy called Trent(?) Callison.

In the first instance, Cunningham and I both saw an alien just west of probably medbay, just after the fog cleared, and after announcing contact over comms, we both just went for it. Felt pretty safe going in with a squadmate to watch my back, but we were killed almost immediately. No regrets (but lesson learned!)

Earlier during briefing in the same round, Merrick asked for a cigarette, so I gave him the packet and a lighter, which he then returned. I think we all shot the shit on Delta comms for a bit but I only briefly saw him in Hydro afterwards. Later on (I alt-tabbed to do something else after Cunningham and I got shredded) I came back and went to observe Merrick, to see he was talking to the chaplain about the guilt he felt for not being able to save his squadmates.

Merrick lamented about one Delta who had trusted him enough to give over his entire pack of cigarettes, but apparently couldn't trust him to keep him alive, and when it clicked that he was referring to me (well, unless he got a pack of cigarettes from everybody else in Delta!) I felt guilty too, about not being more careful.

I think that's what I value most about CM, the already-established cameraderie and the cameraderie earned through adversity make you care about other players. Also Trent Callison and Breen O'Brien were great fun to play with in Delta during a session last night, where we all ribbed each other about being ugly on the DS.

Pretty tame by some people's standards I know, but I'm a simple man. Magic, all of it! MAGIC

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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by CrimsonAerospace » 15 Aug 2017, 16:24

My first round, Christ...years ago.

Ahelping where the armory was, equipping a SAW because I didn't know it was shit, asking what squads are available...Man, I wish I could back to those days of Pre Alpha.
Kane "Saint" Romano - Laid back kid just trying to see the galaxy. Reveres the dead, and takes it upon himself to record all the actions and deaths of the Battalion to pass on.
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Mook476 » 15 Aug 2017, 16:40

Godspeed boot we'll be expecting real memes from you.
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by SUPERMAN112 » 16 Aug 2017, 00:36

join the hive!

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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Skubblers » 16 Aug 2017, 18:08

SUPERMAN112 wrote:join the hive!
Can't mate, I'm not xeno filth. I think I'll leave it for a while so I can get my bearings properly first!

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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Mook476 » 16 Aug 2017, 18:09

Skubblers wrote:Can't mate, I'm not xeno filth. I think I'll leave it for a while so I can get my bearings properly first!

That's the spirit!.
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Kerek » 16 Aug 2017, 20:31

Skubblers wrote:Awesome, Challenger. Cheers Kneez, hope to see you too!

During my first five or so rounds, a couple of players really got me into the "feel" of CM, as you say: One whose last name was Cunningham, and the other was Thomas Merrick. Also another guy called Trent(?) Callison.

In the first instance, Cunningham and I both saw an alien just west of probably medbay, just after the fog cleared, and after announcing contact over comms, we both just went for it. Felt pretty safe going in with a squadmate to watch my back, but we were killed almost immediately. No regrets (but lesson learned!)

Earlier during briefing in the same round, Merrick asked for a cigarette, so I gave him the packet and a lighter, which he then returned. I think we all shot the shit on Delta comms for a bit but I only briefly saw him in Hydro afterwards. Later on (I alt-tabbed to do something else after Cunningham and I got shredded) I came back and went to observe Merrick, to see he was talking to the chaplain about the guilt he felt for not being able to save his squadmates.

Merrick lamented about one Delta who had trusted him enough to give over his entire pack of cigarettes, but apparently couldn't trust him to keep him alive, and when it clicked that he was referring to me (well, unless he got a pack of cigarettes from everybody else in Delta!) I felt guilty too, about not being more careful.

I think that's what I value most about CM, the already-established cameraderie and the cameraderie earned through adversity make you care about other players. Also Trent Callison and Breen O'Brien were great fun to play with in Delta during a session last night, where we all ribbed each other about being ugly on the DS.

Pretty tame by some people's standards I know, but I'm a simple man. Magic, all of it! MAGIC
Fun fact with someone asking for a light of their cigarettes, you can target the mouth, on help intent, click on the person with an unlit cig/cigar, and it lights it for them. And you can give yourself a cigarette with the package that way (only works on you) and you can light your cigarettes and cigars that way on yourself.

If you walk with WASD, which you can do by hitting hotkey mode or hitting tab a few times, you can hit Q to drop items, R to throw, Z to activate and E to equip things in your hand. Pretty handy stuff that makes the game a lot easier.
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Skubblers » 16 Aug 2017, 20:50

Kneez wrote:Fun fact with someone asking for a light of their cigarettes, you can target the mouth, on help intent, click on the person with an unlit cig/cigar, and it lights it for them.
I won't just light their head on fire, right? That's cool, thank you! Anything to improve my cigarette etiquette.
Kneez wrote:If you walk with WASD, which you can do by hitting hotkey mode or hitting tab a few times, you can hit Q to drop items, R to throw, Z to activate and E to equip things in your hand. Pretty handy stuff that makes the game a lot easier.
I'll give that a go too, I've been using arrow keys so far. It always feels clunky to play but I feel that suits my character, a sort of combat-inexperienced xeno-fodder.

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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Kerek » 16 Aug 2017, 21:01

Skubblers wrote:I won't just light their head on fire, right? That's cool, thank you! Anything to improve my cigarette etiquette.

I'll give that a go too, I've been using arrow keys so far. It always feels clunky to play but I feel that suits my character, a sort of combat-inexperienced xeno-fodder.
We always need more xeno-fodder.
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Breen » 12 Nov 2017, 06:03

Skubblers wrote:
15 Aug 2017, 15:36
Also Trent Callison and Breen O'Brien were great fun to play with in Delta during a session last night, where we all ribbed each other about being ugly on the DS.
<3 Also who do you play as again?

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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Skubblers » 15 Nov 2017, 15:13

Breen wrote:
12 Nov 2017, 06:03
<3 Also who do you play as again?
Still Dutch Fury! Dedicated Delta PFC. I set my squad pref for Delta when I cottoned on that Alicia Parker was in Delta a lot, because I like being healed within seconds of getting hurt, but I don't see them in blue much any more. Luckily, it's turned out that, regardless of what squad they're in, Parker still materialises out of nowhere like some kind of sentient gas, drags me away, and patches me up when I get hurt. God bless 'em.

Now I just keep my squad pref on Delta because I'd follow Mark "Echo" Kesserline and Mark Hill into hell.

I haven't seen you around much Breen, do you have a different character?

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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Sneakyr » 16 Nov 2017, 12:46

Glad to see you stuck around, Dutch.
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Skubblers » 17 Nov 2017, 14:21

Sneakyr wrote:
16 Nov 2017, 12:46
Glad to see you stuck around, Dutch.
Frankie Day right? There's a name that sticks out... hope to see you in-game soon!

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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Amaxin » 17 Nov 2017, 15:00

Kinda late to the party, but I'll still join. Hope you still have some pizza left.

I've seen you around as a Delta private quite often, and you did well. Normally when I see someone new, with the name I don't recognise, I assume they'll be either annoying, or troublesome. With you, however, I got positively surprised. And now I can say that I'm quite content when I see you around, there's a short supply of cool people as of late.
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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Skubblers » 17 Nov 2017, 15:36

Amaxin wrote:
17 Nov 2017, 15:00
Kinda late to the party, but I'll still join. Hope you still have some pizza left.

I've seen you around as a Delta private quite often, and you did well. Normally when I see someone new, with the name I don't recognise, I assume they'll be either annoying, or troublesome. With you, however, I got positively surprised. And now I can say that I'm quite content when I see you around, there's a short supply of cool people as of late.
Kyomi Sin'vah, is that right? That's one of the names I've been looking out for for the past month. Cracking medic, thanks for stapling my busted skull back together all those times!

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Re: New player, saying thanks

Post by Breen » 18 Nov 2017, 03:48

Still play mainly as Breen, alot of people like to switch up their characters up once in a while though, so you could still be playing with the same people. I've been on a little vacation of a sort lately. Alot of CM players will be on for a few months weekly, then cool off for a month before getting back on.

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