How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

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How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by TehSpoderman » 30 Aug 2017, 01:18

For me, I have been playing SS13 since late 2015. Yog was my first server.

I have been playing CM since February of this year, I believe.
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Rustarus » 30 Aug 2017, 01:19

I just joined, what's a CM?
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Scorpii » 30 Aug 2017, 01:21

I've been here literally 1 and a half months. I feel as if i'll be here for a long time

As for how long I've been around SS13? 3 Months or so. My first server was /tg/ and /vg/, then I realized my horrid mistake and went to Bay, then I came here
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by manezinho » 30 Aug 2017, 01:21

I've been playing since around late 2014. Started with Yog, tried some others but stuck with CM. Best decision of my life. Such a g-r-e-a-t community. :)
Been in CM since the nostromo days. If there's anything I learned, it's that salt never changes.
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by taketheshot56 » 30 Aug 2017, 01:29

I started playing SS13 roughly 8 months ago, CM was my first server and I chose XO as my first role :)
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by completelynewguy » 30 Aug 2017, 01:50

Summer 2016 or so.

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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Gabe » 30 Aug 2017, 03:08

I was introduced to SS13 in late 2015. I played mostly Yog, before moving to para. I've always played the odd round of CM here and there, but I never got into it. I was a mentor on Paradise for a few months, and after leaving there I wound up on CM. Back in March (I think) I played regularly for the first time, but have only been active in discord/forum and the server for maybe a week or two now. I've played far enough back to remember the Sulaco and the first tests of Ice but I'm still new to everything as then I only played one round every few days/weeks.

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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Steelpoint » 30 Aug 2017, 03:37

I first started playing SS13 since around late 2011, I played a few time on Goonstation on Donutstation 2, it was on and off until 2013 where I started to play on /tg/ more consistently.

I also played around on the several proto-Colonial Marine servers, some went down in flames but I recall this variation doing well for itself.
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by WinterClould » 30 Aug 2017, 05:30

I started playing SS13 maybe in like, Septemberish of 2016? Think I started playing CM regularly around march or something like 2017. Joined the server once before that and didnt know about the RP standards for names and got my first ever bowink for having Honk in my name. I was so new to the game I didn't notice and never answered the PM's and got a short ban for it. That and a friend saying you guys sucked completely turned me off from the server for many months which I spent playing Paradise instead because I liked the high pop. Glad I tried CM again a few months later because you guys really are the fuckin best. I've had very very few bad days since I really got into things here and I really wish I'd started playing sooner.
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 30 Aug 2017, 05:54

2015 was when I joined the forums, but I started playing a few months earlier than that.

I only played CM. And rarely played any other server.
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by CrazyJazzyJ » 30 Aug 2017, 06:34

Been playing SS13 since 2009 or so, then on GoonStation once Exadv1 disappeared. Back in the days when phoron was plasma and you could eject the whole engineering section when the raging plasma fire would leak out. Just found out about CM last month.

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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by PandaCG » 30 Aug 2017, 08:45

been playing SS13 alone for about an entire year and a half now, since very early 2016, maybe even late 2015. never really got into it until about august last year.

as for my CM playtime? well, i was banned on my first day of playing, so you can find that out for yourself if you want.
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by KeyWii » 30 Aug 2017, 08:59


CM would either be 2013-2014. Whenever Infestation Station started.
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by TopHatPenguin » 30 Aug 2017, 09:00

SS13 - 2013

CM - 2014

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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Crab_Spider » 30 Aug 2017, 09:54

2016 in the summer. One year
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Nubs » 30 Aug 2017, 10:01

too damn long.
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Natorix » 30 Aug 2017, 11:45

Ever since I discovered the SS13 article on 1D4chan in 2015

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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by notasyndie » 01 Sep 2017, 00:48

I started playing this game around late 2013-early 2014
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by NGGJamie » 03 Sep 2017, 18:13

I tried it several years ago probably around 2010, got totally confused about what was going on and left whatever server I was playing, though I'm pretty sure I didn't pick an important role or anything, I was probably just an assistant.

Came back to it 2 or 3 years ago and absolutely loved it, played TG for a couple months and then Bay for a bit. Took a break from it and then came here early this year/late last year. Though late last year I only did some spectating to try and see what it was about because I knew how different this server was. I think I remember spectating some Ice Colony play, maybe.
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Hulkamania » 03 Sep 2017, 18:30

I've been playing SS13 on and off since 2013 or so, mostly on TG. My first game was a nightmare of me trying to figure out what the hell was going on, while simultaneously being amazed by all of it and I was hooked.

I started playing CM three or four months ago, mostly because I saw it on the hub with a high population. I started splitting my time between here and TG, and now I mostly stick to CM with only the occasional TG game. I'm enjoying the elevated RP standards.
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Ghostdex » 09 Sep 2017, 14:34

I've been playing CM since around early 2015, occasionally playing on a few other servers such as yog but I've mainly stuck to CM.
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Nyeshivuu » 09 Sep 2017, 16:35

I've been playing since the beginning of this year
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Re: How long have you been playing CM/SS13 in general?

Post by Karmac » 10 Sep 2017, 05:28

Probably a year and 9 months or so of CM by now, only recently bothered branching out to other servers
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