help me im being oppressed

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Byond: blade2000br

Re: help me im being oppressed

Post by Blade2000Br » 17 Sep 2017, 11:58

Boio, you might have 220 IQ but you failed to understand one thing:

And you failed because of this. Where is your god dam god now, Asian?
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.

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Re: help me im being oppressed

Post by Tidomann » 17 Sep 2017, 12:45

If you have an issue with staff members then your feedback would be better heard in a staff report.

This post is demeaning to people who actually live with mental illness, and neurodevelopmental disorders as well as the staff who have tried to help you in the past.

The notes you posted date back to 2016 and in that time you have only become more derogatory to staff.

Your racist comments, roleplay, and logic is not a joke or quirk, and the trend is unsettling.

If you are truly honest in feeling oppressed then I would suggest immediately reaching out to a staff member you feel you can communicate with.

This thread will be deleted for the above reasons.

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Re: help me im being oppressed

Post by slc97 » 17 Sep 2017, 12:49

The last sentence of this post made you seem like the neckbeardiest of neckbeards that ever neckbearded.

Pull shit like this again, and I'm going to forum ban you.
