Space Station 13

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Space Station 13

Post by TheCubscout » 24 Sep 2017, 17:57

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Re: Space Station 13

Post by ImHereToHelp » 24 Sep 2017, 22:03

>idealizing Lifeweb

It's nothing like this video stated. It has its own very real problems and should not be considered a model to base other servers by.
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Re: Space Station 13

Post by Renomaki » 25 Sep 2017, 00:44

I like how the title of the video is about an SS13 veteran... But it comes off more like a 10-year old that doesn't like rules and furries and roleplaying. Mostly rules.

Then again... Doesn't Lifeweb have rules? You can't just expect a server to run itself without some form of administration. It is what leads to trouble down the line.
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Re: Space Station 13

Post by Steelpoint » 25 Sep 2017, 01:36

The only real rules are that you will get banned if you are absolutely horrible by metagaming, exhibiting a toxic in game attitude (that goes above and beyond the norm) or simply having absolutely no sense of roleplay in the roles you play and just being a very poor player. Aside from that the game runs pretty much without admin intervention at all, there are no "events" or admins that influence the round directly or indirectly.

The player base in game tends to moderate itself and they play the game to a surprisingly high standard of RP, I'd say its around Medium RP most of the time.

The main problems Lifeweb suffer are server related. S1 is oft a den of incompetence, and in some rare cases, from what I can tell, some meta groupings. S2 is pretty good but is always overpopulated so getting on can be hard. S3 is non-existent and S4 is severely underpopulated 90% of the time as everyone is on S1 or S2.
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Re: Space Station 13

Post by Heckenshutze » 25 Sep 2017, 18:24

Lifeweb moderares itself, by it's own playerbase. They don't like shitters, bad rpers, furries and snowflakes. Some players even make fun of players with static names
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