Good coding guides?

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Good coding guides?

Post by TehSpoderman » 29 Sep 2017, 01:41

If I were to start coding, where would there be a good coding guide to get started?
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Re: Good coding guides?

Post by Scorpii » 29 Sep 2017, 01:43

TehSpoderman wrote:
29 Sep 2017, 01:41
If I were to start coding, where would there be a good coding guide to get started?
cout << "Hello World";

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Re: Good coding guides?

Post by NGGJamie » 29 Sep 2017, 03:29

Scorpii wrote:
29 Sep 2017, 01:43
cout << "Hello World";
16-bit assembly anyone?
DB 0130 'Hello, world!',0d,0a,'$'
0100: MOV AX,09
0102: MOV DX,0130
0104: MOV CX,0
0106: INT 21
0107: ADD CX,1
0109: CMP CX,5
010A: JZ 106
010C: INT 20

Output: Hello, world!\n
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Re: Good coding guides?

Post by Bobalobdob » 29 Sep 2017, 14:17

Solo learn. Google it
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Re: Good coding guides?

Post by manezinho » 29 Sep 2017, 14:30

I'd say google. I don't know where exactly some guides are.
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Re: Good coding guides?

Post by NethIafins » 02 Oct 2017, 03:49

Unfortunately books don't give you clear answers about this. I d say best way to learn how to code well is to code with someone who already has good style. Or experiment and see what style lets you understand your code after few weeks. Also if you are just starting, don't bother writing good code, you need to write working code first

But this is just opinion of a guy that is working in production software for 7 years
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Re: Good coding guides?

Post by KingKire » 02 Oct 2017, 22:11

If your looking informal coding, i started with GameMaker and through youtube tutorials about that language. Im still just working through the language, but its pretty much repetition. Put down some sexy leg work of hammering away over and over every day, and it gets a little easier. Im not good, so dont take me word for it. Im just learning because i want to join the ss13 coding team and help them out. I started with Heartbeast and GMLTut and its been working okay so far to get the basics down.

Im hoping i can pick up enough basic knowledge and then jump into the byond/DreamMaker system and work around that.
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