Salt deposit thread

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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by contactdenied » 17 Oct 2017, 23:28

Getting facehugged and nested on Ice Colony is a death sentence, as it tears off your coif. My first time as SL was on Ice and it was nice as I got a minigun before first drop, and then not nice as I got screeched and dragged in. T-Comms was down so all I could do was wait it out and go through the pain of my face freezing off and going into pain crit. My only escape attempt failed as T-Comms went up for a few seconds, got to say my goodbyes to my squad, and then it went down. My face was fucked up, I cried about it for a bit, then I chestbursted.
Phillip Driver, jack of all trades, reliable in some. Your typical jumpy flamer PFC or ammo fumbling CPL, always has a pair of ballistic goggles on him for unknown reasons. Will probably die mid sentence, because he talks (and gets bullied) too much for his own good. He has his moments though.

Jim, a Gen 2 Synthetic. Has a tendency to get melted to bits when planet side, and that's when he's behind barricades. Despite that, he's vigilant and always ready to drag you out of danger, even if it damages him in the process.

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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Kerek » 20 Oct 2017, 11:36

Jerkface was testing some stuff, team one won 3 times in a row, max losing 1 person with a few injuries. We brawl with our katanas, trying to be #1. Ends up being me and this guy, we begin our dance of death, and he accidentally hits himself with a Katana knocking himself down where I get a cheap win. Good matches.
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Skimmy2 » 20 Oct 2017, 23:26

I have theorized that the greatest tasting salt is when Xenos lose to Marines.
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Blade2000Br » 21 Oct 2017, 11:02

the greatest salt is when a Queen mess up and xenos loose the round. Even though they were dumb 90% of time.

such delicious xeno tears.
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Jagdges » 21 Oct 2017, 12:12

Doing really good as a sniper specialist last night, really contributing to holding the xenos back by putting a shot into anyone that poke out aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnndddd somebody OB'd our position, killing me, two others, and losing our footing the xenos just pounded us after that.

It was meant for their side of the river.
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Xarnata_Daemos » 22 Oct 2017, 13:53

What really gets me, is the queens who ahelp a drone who's too busy trying to get out of dodge, dodging bullets that fill up the text screen for insubordination, causing you to get a 3 hour ban that you can't try to appeal with the 3 paragraph explaination of the whole thing (The text spam of bullets, the mentor's words, the confusion of location (Seriously a map plx) ) that you have to delete right after posting because trying to appeal a ban less than 24h increases the ban -.- so you gotta sit here, wait 3 hours to hope that game's still going to join as Xenos and tell the queen what's up for ahelp-ing me in the middle of a firefight like can't s/he see that the chat box is filling up with bullet notifications? Do the admins not see this? Are all queens that aren't me(FLYING SPACE LIZARD JENKINS) or more experienced that new to tactical maneuvers to know that moving your whole force in a flanking maneuver is not actually a flanking maneuver but assaulting from a different direction? Never full force into hydro, that's just asking to be OB'd.

This paragraph Brought to you by: Xarnata Daemos, the man without a nickname yet. Maybe I'll take "Salt Prince"
Xarnata "Salt Prince" Daemos the Engineer main MT>CE, Or FLYING SPACE LIZARD JENKINS the Xeno.

Also by a 3 hour ban induced boredom.

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Byond: Carnolus

Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Carnolus » 26 Oct 2017, 03:54

Here we go. Top to bottom, first the saltiest and the least creating the least amount of salt in my veins.
1. Paincrit nested. I hate the idea of my character being killed cause I can’t do anything and just sit there watching my guy’s chest explode. Like at least let me get up just once. Please. Just so I can try.
2. When I’m a medic and some prick medic pulls my patient away from me!! Damn that’s infuriating! I know what I’m doing, go find your own patient to OD!
3. Playing medic and some tool comes over with his minor wounds, steps on my patient and demands I treat him over the internally bleeding from 4 locations and needs a defib dead guy. Dude, wait. Cmon now. I’ll OD your ass. Not the first time I’ve threatened someone with that.
4. Neuro spam, but everyone hates that.
5. When EVERYONE in your squad decides it’s quiet time. I like talking to you, it’s a part of the whole “squad” thing.
6. Alright command, I’ll just leave my 10th voicemail hoping you’ll pick up, I’ll just sit here and wait for orders in the middle of the battlefield, it’s cool! Don’t worry, I don’t need ammo, I have my boot knife!
7. Please don’t leave me here. Please don’t leave me here. Please don’t- oh. Bye marines! I’ll uh, just chill here I guess. Good luck.

Alrighty! Good! Salt over! Love the game but people sometimes..
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Byond: mizolo

Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by mizolo » 26 Oct 2017, 15:55

When a YOUNG RUNNER insta-decapitates you in one swipe
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Byond: Kiroking

Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Kiroking » 26 Oct 2017, 18:03

When suddenly a crusher fly's in from off screen and instant decaps your head.
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by PandaCG » 26 Oct 2017, 18:43

Why the fuck are Xenos in this game? It's not a problem I have with the enemy or anything, just the people who play them are so fucking toxic and trash. The first word I heard over the xeno hive was "kek" and I knew I was in for a horrible nightmare. Then again, I don't play Xeno because it's for people who love getting footfucked.
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by MrJJJ » 28 Oct 2017, 04:48

When you plan to be a PO and doing CAS, but then your Normandy gets told to be send down there, and when you do so, you get boarded and then decapped as the ship is flying back to Almayer, making you wait 5 hours because you are too salty and angry to play as aliens since you are frustrated by their own community.

Or when you suddenly lag for a moment, before you quickly unlag and a crusher/ravager comes flying out of nowhere and delimbs you, forcing you to evac, ESPECIALLY as a smartgunner.

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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by HR171 » 28 Oct 2017, 14:05

Idiotic marines calling the PO an idiot for evacing when ordered too
Archie 'sunshine' Smith
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Bronimin » 28 Oct 2017, 15:46

> I have been shooting the same direction full-auto for a good 5 minutes
> marine in a headband, no armour on and wielding a spearhead auto runs through my firing lane but is luckily not hit once
> He dances around firing his revolver in the same direction as me before deciding, without saying anything to me, to charge into my firing lane after a xeno I had shot a few times
> Salts when he is immediately shot himself

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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Nyeshivuu » 28 Oct 2017, 16:09

PandaCG wrote:
26 Oct 2017, 18:43
Why the fuck are Xenos in this game? It's not a problem I have with the enemy or anything, just the people who play them are so fucking toxic and trash. The first word I heard over the xeno hive was "kek" and I knew I was in for a horrible nightmare. Then again, I don't play Xeno because it's for people who love getting footfucked.
Xenos are the best enemy to fight against because you feel no remorse killing them, toxic bastards. And it is the best when they salt
Probably dead in some remote corner of the map
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by HR171 » 28 Oct 2017, 16:29

>xenos boarding, not many so all hiding in back of shuttle (only way in or out was the back door)
>queen screeches
>get dragged into the back
>xenos too busy too nest me
>i see my chance stand up pull my pistol crit the queen start running out the back to safety
Archie 'sunshine' Smith
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by yung bruh » 29 Oct 2017, 04:17

it really fucking grinds my guts when xenos spit spam and tackle spam-camp the nests.
Yuri Balvoka

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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Unbiased Viking » 29 Oct 2017, 10:03

It grinds my gears when your entire squad watches you get dragged off into the darkness and nothing is done. Slashing and growls are now one's fate. #deathimmersion
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Byond: ChurchGrimm

Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by churchgrimm » 29 Oct 2017, 12:40

Marines calling out the PO for emergency evacing even when xenos were right out the dropship.
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by PandaCG » 29 Oct 2017, 15:10

yung bruh wrote:
29 Oct 2017, 04:17
it really fucking grinds my guts when xenos spit spam and tackle spam-camp the nests.
yeah, drones mostly win the fights anyways. the only reason a spitter/runner/elite should be at the nests is when they are trying to upgrade. atleast make it interesting and not ssd worthy
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by yung bruh » 29 Oct 2017, 15:34

PandaCG wrote:
29 Oct 2017, 15:10
yeah, drones mostly win the fights anyways. the only reason a spitter/runner/elite should be at the nests is when they are trying to upgrade. atleast make it interesting and not ssd worthy
I was in the nest and I got captured as an SL, I was 2 seconds away from finishing planting an OB marker and a xeno was watching me the whole time and he spam spat me until a bloodworm bursted lol
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by PandaCG » 29 Oct 2017, 16:50

yung bruh wrote:
29 Oct 2017, 15:34
I was in the nest and I got captured as an SL, I was 2 seconds away from finishing planting an OB marker and a xeno was watching me the whole time and he spam spat me until a bloodworm bursted lol
yeah, like i said, drones do a good enough job at making the hive fun to be in. they're fightable but in your weakened state they're still fun and difficult to work against. when a spitter or runner is watching the hive it devolves into "how many times can i get up before i'm slashed enough that i wont be able to escape again".
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Gandalf » 01 Nov 2017, 16:49

fuck that FUCKING round


get rolled up as xeno, evolve to drone, survivors are barricaded in engi, hey sure I'll help, two hunters being fucking useless, one gets killed, I'm playing safe

queen arrives along with a handful of other xenos


queen charges in, I charge in, queen gets shot once and fucking runs away without even screaming, I get incendiary buckshot to the face and fucking die


that was fucking annoying, spawn as burster in a monkey, evolve runner into hunter. find one human wandering off on his own, apparently far enough from the group that me and the other hunter should take him easy


leap him, suddenly all the marines have followed him and we're fucking outnumbered, I'm hidden but they're filling the hallway with lead, other hunter fucking bumps me towards them as I try to run and I eat dirt


up in sec as a sentinel, muhreens charge, dumb fucking praetor cuts himself off and gets critted, I run in to drag him and get wasted, this one was semi-calculated because the risk of my life was worth it


ghostjoin as a Young Boiler with basically no health, sleeping in a dead end

walk down the hallway

hallway opens up

a single marine kills me with an SMG because I'm a lone boiler in a well-lit and open dead-end


ghostjoin as the only xeno available, mature larva

become a runner

find abandoned FOB with damaged barbed wire barricades, hit them a few times before deciding they'll kill me before I kill them

see plasteel one left open, go through it

killed by a landmine

i am very angery atm

addendum I spawned again and did ok as a hunter but I'm still mad

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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by JennerH » 06 Nov 2017, 10:59

Be elite crusher. Wreck face, as usual. End of round, overrunning SD. Guy I crush flames me, but I'm too in the zone to notice. Go critical in flames. No one pulls me out. Watch xeno win as ghost while dchat says "rip crusher"
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by misterjoper » 06 Nov 2017, 12:04

Be Queen.Restrict Tier 3 evolution. Test Tier 3 candidates. Only one of them is not a baldie.Await your doom.
Be Queen.Restrict Tier 3 evolution. Nobody wants to become tier 3. Await your doom.
Be Queen.Forbid slashing.Have a survivor for some possible fun RP.Watch some random drone infect survivor,even though the survivor was not hostile,unnested and nobody was tacking him.Or survivor just Triggers a Carrier trap.
Be Queen.Forbid slashing.Watch how nobody is capable of capturing a survivor alive.Probably await your doom.
Now I am truly Free from this Endless loop of killing eachother.
I had my fun for a half of year. I am satisfied.
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by James5734 » 06 Nov 2017, 12:18

"And your name is badluck, lol"- runner who captured me after I spawned behind the hive

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