Salt deposit thread

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Byond: Sigmasquad

Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Sigmasquad » 07 Nov 2017, 15:26

> Prep for ten minutes.
> Down to big red.
> Less then a minute away from getting off the DS and in plain view of the fob, facehugged.
> Go for surgery, come back down
> Repeat steps 3 and 4. Twice.
> Facehugged by cheese and told to git gud by xenos when I die in a nest.
> everydamnround.jpg

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Byond: Raberuji

Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Raberuji » 16 Nov 2017, 18:44

I have evolve pass the point of pure light. I am now a pillar of pure salt

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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Heckenshutze » 22 May 2018, 09:17


Nothing else to be explained.
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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Avalanchee » 22 May 2018, 09:18

When you have 6 medics around you and nobody uses the defib
Phillip 'Avalanche' Murray
They are actually very balanced. The difference is ya get marines who think they can rambo a xeno and when they die, they get all salty about it.Mizari 10/12/2018, Xeno mutators
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Byond: bramb23

Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Clutch » 22 May 2018, 09:50

Bwoden Whackers
This is likewise where bramb began saying he lives in albania. They additionally continued pinging me with the albanian banner. They called me female. They called me gay. They said I have down disorder. They called me different names too. Also, bramb said he lives in albania when he professes to live in The Netherlands too. Lying again.

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Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by ThatKazakhDude » 22 May 2018, 11:38

Get shot in the face by friendly, then while you are alive someone designates a cas run right next to you , PO uses (as far as i can tell) fatty and keeper, then stramrolls the area with gau

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Byond: Cryzone

Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Cryzone » 22 May 2018, 17:32

spawn at 1h33
Get gibbed by the hijacked dropship at 1h37
RNG officialy hates me
I am Hans 'Robot' Krautz.

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Byond: Loco52

Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by Loco52 » 22 May 2018, 18:30

Rolls spec after a good while: it's the laggish round of my life. I get my sniper equipment because sniper spec best spec and I follow my friendies to the dorms, when all of a sudden we are clearing weeds and a marine behind me pointblank shoots me in the chest rupturing a lung. I go up the almayer, get fixed up, go back down and start shooting shit... bravo constantly get in my way and push me when i'm aiming. We move to engineering, suddenly Queen appears, screeches and only slashes me. I get revived later and spend what's left of the round in an stasis bag and without a single clue of where my sniper rifle is.

Top notch NaCl

Vaughn 'Hothead' Isemann

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Byond: jusa297

Re: Salt deposit thread

Post by jusa297 » 22 May 2018, 18:34

Generic Salt on Cargo Bay chokepoint memes.
Best interaction with i've had:

I love you papa feweh, god bless.

LostPlayed a round as an Ancient Runner and Ancient Hunter. I still suck at alien though : ^)

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