Just felt like coming here.

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Just felt like coming here.

Post by Logi99 » 13 Oct 2017, 18:09

Dunno why I made this post. Maybe to alarm you guys that I'm back. ???...

I try to play atleast 1 round a day, and a lot on the weekends. Im busy carrying my friends on overwatch.
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Re: Just felt like coming here.

Post by TehSpoderman » 13 Oct 2017, 18:23

Logi99 wrote:
13 Oct 2017, 18:09
Dunno why I made this post. Maybe to alarm you guys that I'm back. ???...

I try to play atleast 1 round a day, and a lot on the weekends. Im busy carrying my friends on overwatch.
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Re: Just felt like coming here.

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 13 Oct 2017, 18:37

Logi99 wrote:
13 Oct 2017, 18:09
Dunno why I made this post. Maybe to alarm you guys that I'm back. ???...

I try to play atleast 1 round a day, and a lot on the weekends. Im busy carrying my friends on overwatch.
alright then

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Re: Just felt like coming here.

Post by Ghostdex » 14 Oct 2017, 10:03

Logi99 wrote:
13 Oct 2017, 18:09
Dunno why I made this post. Maybe to alarm you guys that I'm back. ???...

I try to play atleast 1 round a day, and a lot on the weekends. Im busy carrying my friends on overwatch.
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Re: Just felt like coming here.

Post by Nyeshivuu » 14 Oct 2017, 13:05

Who???? 1- asking this to be locked and denied.
Probably dead in some remote corner of the map
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