Alright I've been gone for the past 2 months

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Alright I've been gone for the past 2 months

Post by Thatnewguy1 » 26 Oct 2017, 09:57

Gonna need then sweet saucy details about the new memelords in the marines aresenal of bald baddies and other assorted goons. Also some one find me duke schofield. I'm late on my mememaking quota and need my partner back to catch up
Last edited by Thatnewguy1 on 26 Oct 2017, 11:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alright I've been gone for the past 2 months

Post by BobaFett07 » 26 Oct 2017, 10:21

welcome back buddy, I hope to see ya in the battlefield!

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Re: Alright I've been gone for the past 2 months

Post by manezinho » 26 Oct 2017, 22:31

Don't know ya but welcome back aboard this crazy ride.
In Game: Andrew Bryson

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Also check out Okand's stuff, it's pretty neat. Pixel Marines
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