Didn't I make this post butt.

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Didn't I make this post butt.

Post by manezinho » 12 Nov 2017, 20:07

*insert Feweh conspiracy here*
*insert images of Xeno and Human relations*
*insert salty predator report*
*insert passive aggressive statements without names*
*insert a better joke*

Knees weak, arms spaghetti. My bodi is ready.
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Re: Didn't I make this post butt.

Post by Rataca100 » 12 Nov 2017, 20:12

You need soem serious tin medication, my friend.

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Nullius in verba

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Re: Didn't I make this post butt.

Post by TehSpoderman » 12 Nov 2017, 20:41

no booli
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Re: Didn't I make this post butt.

Post by misterjoper » 14 Nov 2017, 16:16

* Inserts Images of Xeno and Human relations https://imgur.com/gallery/Hmnuf/comment/1167181489
Now I am truly Free from this Endless loop of killing eachother.
I had my fun for a half of year. I am satisfied.
Jobbaned from alien since 16.11.2017. My last tallhost Pet:"Charlotte 'Fortune' View".
This has gone down in history viewtopic.php?f=133&t=14927

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