New Behavior Developments IRL

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Byond: mizolo

New Behavior Developments IRL

Post by mizolo » 17 Nov 2017, 15:38

Ok, I can't contain my excitement, so I'm going to share.

So recently many of you knew me on saturday to have ... well ... "Blown Up". I am sorry for those who's feelings were hurt during that, but I was angry, upset, and other stuff I'm NOT going to use to excuse my actions.

Here is what I CAN say that's happened.

So after saturday, on sunday, I arranged an appointment for monday with my psychologist (Don't judge, It's what people with mental issues do), and I told her all that has happened, at home, AND on here.

So she thought for a minute, combing through her brain, and she told me this and it quite shocked me.

"Anger is usually when someone is covering something up beneath in feelings, feels threatened, or cheated, in some way, shape, or form. In your gaming sense, you felt threatened or cheated by not having your weapon back that was as you said, very good. Now for you this is especially a big problem because you have a lot of things compiling onto you. Your depression and anxiety compound into stress that initiates the fight-flight-freeze response for strong emotions. When you compile those on top of your mild autism and under stimulated amygdala, well, you kind of have a recipe for disaster."

So I sat there for some time, contemplating this. I then asked her if there was anything that could help me.

She said "Well, for all your life you've been trying to improve and try as hard as you can to NOT get angry and upset, and I myself am surprised you haven't been diagnosed earlier with these things, as well as not getting arrested, because a lot of people with your same conditions get arrested and don't even get diagnosed until they are in a mental hospital."

I then realized how lucky I was.

She continued "I am referring a medication, well, a GROUP of medications that has helped many people with a group of symptoms like yours pretty well. I can't prescribe, so I will get you to your psychiatrist."

So I went to my psychiatrist wednesday and went in. You know what? She said almost the EXACT same thing as my psychologist, and prescribed it.

2 days in (Yesterday):
I didn't notice much of a difference, but my parents sure as heck did.

3 days in (Today):

Holy crap, I feel fantastic. Ok so today they literally threw EVERYTHING THEY COULD at me. They tried upsetting me in board games. They tried loading my schedule up with tight-schedule schoolwork, But I didn't crack.

Personally I'm amazed at myself for getting this far in life, and believe it or not, this community "Fuck Up", actually pushed me to change so much that I made probably the best decision of my life to go see my psychologist.

I'd like to thank you guys for making me salty, I never thought I'd say that, but I just did.
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Byond: Nicboone

Re: New Behavior Developments IRL

Post by Nicboone » 17 Nov 2017, 15:39

that is excellent news. Im glad to hear about your mental health improving, this kind of stuff is always rough to talk about, and you should feel good!
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Byond: TehSpoderman

Re: New Behavior Developments IRL

Post by TehSpoderman » 17 Nov 2017, 15:40

So salt=good. OK gonna salt you in game bye
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Re: New Behavior Developments IRL

Post by manezinho » 17 Nov 2017, 15:47

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Re: New Behavior Developments IRL

Post by solidfury7 » 17 Nov 2017, 19:06

Pleasant to hear. Good luck.
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Byond: Ghostdex

Re: New Behavior Developments IRL

Post by Ghostdex » 17 Nov 2017, 20:32

I can somewhat relate. But thats great news, great for you, great for us, great all around
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Re: New Behavior Developments IRL

Post by Monoo » 17 Nov 2017, 21:45

Hey man, that's awesome. I love it when people are happy, and I'm glad that (even if it was stressful at the time) our community helped you get help and better yourself.
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