Shrekt some nubz last saturday Dec 2nd

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Shrekt some nubz last saturday Dec 2nd

Post by mizolo » 05 Dec 2017, 13:27

So if you guys don't already know, which i'm assuming you don't, I play nerf competitively, I like it much better than paintball or airsoft, even if the bullets can sometimes be inaccurate, which can be voided through modding.

So I recently modded my nerf longshot cs-6, I have had this thing ... for TEN YEARS.

So I took out the air-restrictor, and changed the spring from a 4Kg to an 8Kg.

I go to dart warz (the place I do it), take it out, people are like "damn boi, nice rifle", meanwhile the competitive players are like "pffft, what a nerd, that won't shoot 2 feet and he'll get tagged in 2 seconds."

So I put on my vest, have my perscription glasses on, other people put on nerf glasses, and I wait for the next round (rounds are like ... 5 minutes long on a timer if either side doesn't win first).

So next round begins, I'm released into the little indoor field, gather some bullets, load the gun, stuff like that. I get some of the same comments from other "kid scrubs" as us pro's call them, and meanwhile the other pro's and adults are just shaking their heads, thinking this thing is gonna be worse than a pea-shooter.

So round starts, everyone rushes to cover, yada yada.

I take aim at a dude who's peeking around a corner for info (we pro's call this "peeking" or "playing for info", usually spotters and front-linemen do this.), and I fire.

So I fire my gun once i've lined up my shot using my scope.


Holy mother of GOD ... it sounded like a half-silenced PISTOL, and EVERYONE in the room stops DEAD in their tracks and just STARES at me from their places of cover looking like "Holy shit, what the fuck did he just DO?!?!?!".

I then look at where I shot the guy, dude had his hands raised (to symbolize him getting tagged), and in utter SHOCK, I later talked to him and he said I hit him dead in the forehead.

So the rest of the round, the enemy team (which have yellow vests, I was orange), was utterly DESTROYED, both sides are always even or are at an impasse by no more than 1-2 player advantage.

Every round after that we won, except for the 1 round where they bum-rushed just for the sole intention of killing just ME, and they won.

When I shoot the longshot, because of the AR being removed and the upgraded spring, it shoots RIDICULOUSLY fast and FAR.
I actually have to put the barrel extension on to INCREASE the accuracy and decrease the speed of the dart in order for it to not like, spiral out of control from the force and speed applied.

So anyway, that was my ridiculous adventure of last weekend.
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Re: Shrekt some nubz last saturday Dec 2nd

Post by xywenx00 » 05 Dec 2017, 13:31

Use real guns, scrubs

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Re: Shrekt some nubz last saturday Dec 2nd

Post by KeyWii » 05 Dec 2017, 14:00

xywenx00 wrote:
05 Dec 2017, 13:31
Use real guns, scrubs

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Re: Shrekt some nubz last saturday Dec 2nd

Post by Heckenshutze » 05 Dec 2017, 14:15

xywenx00 wrote:
05 Dec 2017, 13:31
Use real guns, scrubs
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Re: Shrekt some nubz last saturday Dec 2nd

Post by James5734 » 05 Dec 2017, 15:26

xywenx00 wrote:
05 Dec 2017, 13:31
Use real guns, scrubs
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Re: Shrekt some nubz last saturday Dec 2nd

Post by TehSpoderman » 05 Dec 2017, 15:32

xywenx00 wrote:
05 Dec 2017, 13:31
Use real guns, scrubs
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Re: Shrekt some nubz last saturday Dec 2nd

Post by VitorThauma » 05 Dec 2017, 19:05

xywenx00 wrote:
05 Dec 2017, 13:31
Use real guns, scrubs
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