What characters do you play on other servers?

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What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Monoo » 12 Dec 2017, 15:41

I'm Cortez O'Connor on Yogstation and occasionally /tg/. If you see an ambiguously latino guy with gloriously long and straight black hair, that's yours truly.
I play as this guy, proudly being dismembered by extraterrestrials since 2015.
Sometimes I might play other guys, you never know.

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Heckenshutze » 12 Dec 2017, 16:15

Same character in the entire spessmen game
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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Gnorse » 12 Dec 2017, 16:52

You mean people make NEW characters for each game ?
Gah, I'm too lazy to do that
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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Terrierist » 12 Dec 2017, 17:46

I play on /tg/station as Iris Hynes. Used to have a subplot where basically the character I played (Kathryn Hynes) was her elder sister working to put her through college, and Iris was picked up by Nanotrassen as a station staff member.
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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Monoo » 13 Dec 2017, 17:40

Gnorse wrote:
12 Dec 2017, 16:52
You mean people make NEW characters for each game ?
Gah, I'm too lazy to do that
I just think Cortez is a bit too... eccentric and low-rp to be in CM. Hence, Kirby was born.
I play as this guy, proudly being dismembered by extraterrestrials since 2015.
Sometimes I might play other guys, you never know.

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by slc97 » 14 Dec 2017, 12:23

I used to play Jack Sayek on Aurora, but I haven't been on Aurora in forever.

Played the same character on Alium Deathtrap, but that shut down a few years back.

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by NethIafins » 15 Dec 2017, 11:19

Cassian Keppel or Serhij Zozulia on Paradise
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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Tylaaaaar » 15 Dec 2017, 11:45

On LRP servers I play as Finn Mcfall, a man with a massive arse green beard and an afro, looking like a right nonce.

On HRP such as Aurora I play as Caiden Moyers most of the time, Or Markus Blake
That guy who plays as Roberto Conrad.


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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Jay Burns » 15 Dec 2017, 12:01

I play on TG and Para a lot, I always play with the char name "Jay Burns" surprising I know.

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Mister Jeether » 16 Dec 2017, 22:26

Lan Russ on TG, or, a few times, Adolf Hitler :)
I play Sydney 'Lilly' Wood, the totally not depressed doctor, And the marine Dylan Bell, that probably joined the USCM by accident.

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Hastati » 19 Dec 2017, 02:49

My main characters right now are as follows:

Marcus Toirneach on paradise, who is just an ordinary greytider/clown. You know, breaking into random rooms, eating floor pills, being the first guy murderboner antags kidnap into a maintenence shaft, just generally the kind of idiot that keeps security busy, but without ruining people's rounds like a shitter. Usually like to give him a gimmick each round, especially if the HoP is feeling generous. He's been a snake oil salesman, a master theif (with official ID and everything), Private Detective, and many other odd jobs when assistant. He's actually quite responsible when he gets a real job, but I tend to join rounds late so the only slots are assistant or Atmospheric Technician.

I also have Trent Jayfeather on Aurora, who is a 19 year old janitor who thinks he's the baddest son of a bitch in space, but whose criminal record mostly consists of loitering. In addition I have a preacher there who I made a rather fleshed out religion for just because I know some people on HRP servers are really good at remembering details, so i didn't want to contradict anything I said about his religion in previous rounds.

Lastly, my real, OG main character was Val McNeil, a lawyer on Baystation back when they still used a modified boxstation. Most of my rounds were spent hanging out in medbay or security and talking, and occasionally getting a traitor a reduced sentence. Oftentimes I'd take Captain or Security instead, and ran a pretty tight ship in those regards. She is still to this day in a lot of baycode servers as one of the contraband pinup posters to my eternal embarassment. She now is QM on Aurora though, as Lawyer is a role long since purged from the HRP world.
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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 20 Dec 2017, 11:16

I played 'Smurf Daddy' on goon for years. It was absolutely not an actual character, just a funny name that I rolled with after a match of Town of Salem.

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Karmac » 21 Dec 2017, 02:45

I play Blast Hardcheese wherever I can
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Waka-San » 28 Dec 2017, 12:47

Clown on any server that allows it.

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by SofoBoiSwag » 03 Jan 2018, 05:20

Lando Cook on /tg/ also known as "Lando Cuck" by the resident cat girls and liggers
You hear a strange, alien voice in your head. "tell your cuck hosts that were going to fuck them up and rape them implanting our cummies and fucking eating them from inside, then coming from their heart and they will not be saved, and nothign can be done and that they are already dead omae wo moe SHINDEIRU!"

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by frozentsbgg » 03 Jan 2018, 10:05

Alex Olaf The HoS King on Para before it became F U R R Y

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by manezinho » 03 Jan 2018, 17:14

I used to play a plant man chef. I'd cook pizzas and spaghetti a lot. Forgot the name.
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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by contactdenied » 03 Jan 2018, 20:13

I play a dude named Jim Schofield on other servers, pretty much a laid back greytider that always wears a gas mask and carries around a stunprod and pair of cable restraints in his backpack
Phillip Driver, jack of all trades, reliable in some. Your typical jumpy flamer PFC or ammo fumbling CPL, always has a pair of ballistic goggles on him for unknown reasons. Will probably die mid sentence, because he talks (and gets bullied) too much for his own good. He has his moments though.

Jim, a Gen 2 Synthetic. Has a tendency to get melted to bits when planet side, and that's when he's behind barricades. Despite that, he's vigilant and always ready to drag you out of danger, even if it damages him in the process.

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Avalanchee » 11 Apr 2018, 02:47

I play on other servers only when i am banned CMs
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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by ZaeCathe » 11 Apr 2018, 10:15

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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by James5734 » 11 Apr 2018, 11:35

On Para, I usually play as an IPC (robot dude) named BOT. Aside from that, I usually just use my CM character.
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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Weaselburg » 11 Apr 2018, 19:02

contactdenied wrote:
03 Jan 2018, 20:13
I play a dude named Jim Schofield on other servers, pretty much a laid back greytider that always wears a gas mask and carries around a stunprod and pair of cable restraints in his backpack
Can´t fit stunprods in backpacks my guy.
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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by Borisvanmemes » 12 Apr 2018, 10:24

I play Tam Lin in all the severs i play on, so CM and tg
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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by WinterClould » 13 Apr 2018, 20:01

I play with a different name just so you fucks can't know it's me.

But generally I'm Chen West.
Chen "DiscoKing" Westinton Proud recipient of the "Realest Nigga on the Bloc" Award. My Dossier, it's good. Trust me. Read it.
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Re: What characters do you play on other servers?

Post by ValGarilovich » 14 Apr 2018, 12:06

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you
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