Weirdest Forum Posts You've Seen

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Byond: NoahKirchner

Weirdest Forum Posts You've Seen

Post by NoahKirchner » 13 Dec 2017, 17:25

Hey there folks, put the weird, bizarre, non-sensical or downright weird forum posts that you've seen. No posting your own, that's cheating, and no threads - just copy paste individual posts.

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Byond: Rustarus

Re: Weirdest Forum Posts You've Seen

Post by Rustarus » 13 Dec 2017, 17:55

Yes I know that you already picked this one, but god damn

............okay leonid calm down, take deep breaths nothing will happen of that shitpost right? *takes deep breathes* well i don't know what happens to my application but to be honest is trash, yeah. Is trash i know nobody loves it even i don't even see 1+ for trying what the fuck is wrong with this world? I even don't care about that post over up there, i just see people don't want me here then i don't want to be here, that's it, *sigh* i quit............. yes tons of don't like it. yes tons of it dislike it. YES TONS OF IT HATE IT. AND YES I WON'T GET BE ACCEPTED. Is just let me talk you with this, I hate making characters you know this is my first time and this is another try of me do predator and again same responds, and again same results, you people even have a soul? Like you reading it like this and you thinking, what a cunt is this bustard is it, and then you posting 1- because i'm like "1- because your backstory sucks get lost you fucking prick-ass shit" well like this i think every post of it think of it, but if fucking start dislike like you because i don't like anything even if the backstory was cool i stil hate it, you gotta like it huh? HUH? bullshit HELL NO, i was currently watching predator and talking to people what i thinking of posting it and then some prick comes here from the game and shitpost it over my application, BECAUSE I SAID IN GAME YEAH HELL NO WHY NOT? YEAH why not? and tons of you right now reading this and thinking what is this prick talking about, welp i'm saying, That. okay look let's see the point, application on predator needs to read tons of wiki, WHAT THE FUCK I HAVE TO READ ALL THE FUCKING WIKI, I'm RIGHT NOW SITTING AND CHAIR AND FUCKING READ 1000000 HOURS OF NON-SENSE THAT DOSN'T EXIST AND IS NEED IT BECOMES I WANT TO BECOME PLAYEBALE CHARACTER? well okay wiki is okay BUT ABOUT BACKSTORY HOW I MUST PUT IT FUCKING BACKSTORY IN MY CHARACTER BETTER REMOVE THAT PART AND FORGET IT AND BURN IT DOWN and here we go we have good application, without a fucking story. And look tons of 1+ but seems now you know who i am and you know what Themusician321 I ain't care what you said, i ain't care about 1-, i ain't care about backstory, I JUST WRITE IT BY MYSELF, I HOPE THAT PRICK DON'T EVEN GET APPLIED BY PREDATOR IF SO HE'S fucking SHITPOST person oh and forget that prick put Two 1- yeah get out of here and get lost and let's see about he's shitposting posts oh look he got 1 2 3, hmm 3 denied requests on predator i see welp welp well done *sarcastic claping* Sucks to be you, by the way i'm well angry let me start text here, i don't know what happens after i post this but that's what i thinking of all shit for predator
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Re: Weirdest Forum Posts You've Seen

Post by Heckenshutze » 13 Dec 2017, 19:38

I was going to post the same one, why don't just change the thread's name to "Pred app went wrong"
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Byond: notasyndie

Re: Weirdest Forum Posts You've Seen

Post by notasyndie » 13 Dec 2017, 23:16

This is by far one of the funniest things I've read on the internet. I don't know if this really counts as a forum post but here it I, also make sure you read the whole thing and the comments. ... te_a_puck/
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Re: Weirdest Forum Posts You've Seen

Post by fanit937 » 13 Dec 2017, 23:28


Read the whole thing... (including replies)

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Re: Weirdest Forum Posts You've Seen

Post by Monoo » 14 Dec 2017, 01:09

Rustarus wrote:
13 Dec 2017, 17:55
Yes I know that you already picked this one, but god damn

............okay leonid calm down, take deep breaths nothing will happen of that shitpost right? *takes deep breathes* well i don't know what happens to my application but to be honest is trash, yeah. Is trash i know nobody loves it even i don't even see 1+ for trying what the fuck is wrong with this world? I even don't care about that post over up there, i just see people don't want me here then i don't want to be here, that's it, *sigh* i quit............. yes tons of don't like it. yes tons of it dislike it. YES TONS OF IT HATE IT. AND YES I WON'T GET BE ACCEPTED. Is just let me talk you with this, I hate making characters you know this is my first time and this is another try of me do predator and again same responds, and again same results, you people even have a soul? Like you reading it like this and you thinking, what a cunt is this bustard is it, and then you posting 1- because i'm like "1- because your backstory sucks get lost you fucking prick-ass shit" well like this i think every post of it think of it, but if fucking start dislike like you because i don't like anything even if the backstory was cool i stil hate it, you gotta like it huh? HUH? bullshit HELL NO, i was currently watching predator and talking to people what i thinking of posting it and then some prick comes here from the game and shitpost it over my application, BECAUSE I SAID IN GAME YEAH HELL NO WHY NOT? YEAH why not? and tons of you right now reading this and thinking what is this prick talking about, welp i'm saying, That. okay look let's see the point, application on predator needs to read tons of wiki, WHAT THE FUCK I HAVE TO READ ALL THE FUCKING WIKI, I'm RIGHT NOW SITTING AND CHAIR AND FUCKING READ 1000000 HOURS OF NON-SENSE THAT DOSN'T EXIST AND IS NEED IT BECOMES I WANT TO BECOME PLAYEBALE CHARACTER? well okay wiki is okay BUT ABOUT BACKSTORY HOW I MUST PUT IT FUCKING BACKSTORY IN MY CHARACTER BETTER REMOVE THAT PART AND FORGET IT AND BURN IT DOWN and here we go we have good application, without a fucking story. And look tons of 1+ but seems now you know who i am and you know what Themusician321 I ain't care what you said, i ain't care about 1-, i ain't care about backstory, I JUST WRITE IT BY MYSELF, I HOPE THAT PRICK DON'T EVEN GET APPLIED BY PREDATOR IF SO HE'S fucking SHITPOST person oh and forget that prick put Two 1- yeah get out of here and get lost and let's see about he's shitposting posts oh look he got 1 2 3, hmm 3 denied requests on predator i see welp welp well done *sarcastic claping* Sucks to be you, by the way i'm well angry let me start text here, i don't know what happens after i post this but that's what i thinking of all shit for predator
...what the fuck?

Was this a thing that happened? Someone spurted this word diarrhea into something resembling a predator application? I feel like I missed the most important event of my lifetime.
I play as this guy, proudly being dismembered by extraterrestrials since 2015.
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Re: Weirdest Forum Posts You've Seen

Post by TheMusician321 » 14 Dec 2017, 03:15

Monoo wrote:
14 Dec 2017, 01:09
...what the fuck?

Was this a thing that happened? Someone spurted this word diarrhea into something resembling a predator application? I feel like I missed the most important event of my lifetime.
yes that happened, he got incredibly salty and pissed off when I called him out on his ooc behavior in dchat and the rest is history.
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