Down with USCM Regulations!

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Byond: Skimmy2

Down with USCM Regulations!

Post by Skimmy2 » 15 Dec 2017, 11:16

The Government is regulating Big Pharma and Big Attachments from providing you what you need as a citizen of the United Americas to survive!
Banning Peri, and limiting how many attachments a citizen can own is UNAMERICAN and we must stop our oppressive pro UPP regime from regimenting our lives!

Under the so-called "Radio Neutrality" act, Big Telecom is stifled under CO pressure to not charge any money or limit abuse of what is said over any of it's net channels! We must rise up against our local Commanders and replace them with anti Admiral officers immediately if the Almayer is to have any economic growth and innovation!
Steve Humason : Squad Leader, Military Police, Squad Marine
Chroma Tuflos : Pilot Officer, Corporate Liaison

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Byond: Krab_Spider

Re: Down with USCM Regulations!

Post by Crab_Spider » 15 Dec 2017, 12:32

Your bullshit protests are neither innovative or economic and are stunting progress of the mission. The Alymayer is not a country, town, or civilization. We have banned peri and attachments because we are making the operations faster, smoother, and forcing you shitheads to start covering each other and using squad cohesion. If you are insulting a superior officer as a lowly subordinate and believe you are not in trouble, you will be punished more harshly.

Get back to work. Now.

~B.O.X (Security Module)
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.

I am John "Buckshot" Rhodes, the Tactical Snowflake Hunter

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Byond: blade2000br

Re: Down with USCM Regulations!

Post by Blade2000Br » 15 Dec 2017, 12:47

this is why I ban attachments. We got a mutinner here.

Mutinners are paid with death.
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.

Former Rapey Ravager Hater.

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Byond: Skimmy2

Re: Down with USCM Regulations!

Post by Skimmy2 » 15 Dec 2017, 14:54

Under the Battlefield Execution Act (which is suspiciously similar to the UPP's own "Commissar Act") a CO can sentence anyone to DEATH without a TRIAL, JUDGE, OR LAWYER, this is UNAMERICAN!
And what of the government regulated guns!? They are inferior in every way to privately owned firearms like from Weyland Yutani, and what does the Government do with such vastly superior products? They hoard them for themselves! Oppressive Police Officers armed with advanced shotguns and Officers roaming about with high quality handguns. This is unacceptable, when will the working marine have access to superior M39Bs or M41A/2 weapons!? Never if the Oppressively unamerican Admiralty has a say!

With the Free Gun Act any man woman and bald can own as many guns as they please, at the cost of Big Gun being payed nothing or allowing a ammo tax, this is UNECONOMICAL! Not to mention promotes utterly no innovation or growth for our mass produced inferior arms of the masses (I suspect Big Gun uses UPP cheap labor due to the oppressive regulations demanded upon them).

And what of the Weyland Corporation? The only supporter of capitalism who has the power to oppose the USCM? Latest polling shows that 90% of all officers MISTRUST them! That's 90% of your Leaders whom use superior capitalism firearms but oppress their providers!

I need not even get STARTED on the deplorable treatment of Big Medical, our doctors are over worked and understaffed for years and what does the government do!? REPLACE THEM WITH SYNTHETIC LABOR! Face it my fellow Americans, the CO does not care about you, he only cares about pleasing his superiors.
You might as well pray for a new era of prosperity instead of working for one, AND YET THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT ALLOW THAT!
Our Chapels go unused and abandoned, faith is all but non existent as our religious leaders are no where to be seen, most likely BEed for their opposing opinions.
Steve Humason : Squad Leader, Military Police, Squad Marine
Chroma Tuflos : Pilot Officer, Corporate Liaison

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