Jazz Auditions (Jazz music thread)

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Byond: mizolo

Jazz Auditions (Jazz music thread)

Post by mizolo » 13 Jan 2018, 21:00

So, as a boy who's in a jazz band and appreciates jazz himself, I was wondering if any of you appreciate it?

I have 2 questions for people reading this:

Do you like jazz at all?
If so, what kind of jazz? Relaxing? Gentle rock? Slow jazz? Perhaps up-beat? Hard rock? Or all of them?

Now what if I told you. That I am going to post a bunch of youtube links to jazz videos on youtube in the next couple of lines?

You'd believe me, and that's the point.

Enjoy the fine selection of jazz music my friends.







Many of these are long, or last several hours from a compilation.

I hope you enjoy.
Anekcahap Volkov
never abandons a patient as a medic, even when a ravager is on him 1 v 1

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