Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

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Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

Post by Symbiosis » 18 Jan 2018, 06:07

Your Byond Key: Symbiosis

Your Character Name: Mature Crusher (420)

Accused Byond Key(if known): Probably some Russian Ckey.

Character Name: Yarokov Arakslov

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Around 7pm EST

What rule(s) were broken: Powergaming

Description of the incident: So, there I was, smashing some Marnies. Yeah, a few had flamethrowers, but I could see the weapon sprite so I kept my distance. But get this...

I saw a Marine with a regular rifle and he had armor piercing ammo! I saw a fellow Crusher chased down and butchered like an ANIMAL. He didn't even stand a CHANCE! Clearly I knew this was a Marine that only wanted to do one thing... abuse the Xenos with the forbidden jutsu. I thought, surely he'll run out of juice eventually.

I bided my time, waiting 90 minutes in the cave. I KNOW he had to use up his ammunition. I watched from the cave edges as he fired round after round! Right as I was about to hit Elite, however, he found me (how'd he know I was about to go Elite? Probably metagaming too) outside the caves. I was just doing a SIMPLE CHARGE AND FLEE! He chased me down like my fellow Sister and KILLED ME. Seriously, this level of power gaming doesn't stop there.

He went BACK to the FOB after killing me and reloaded at least THREE magazines of AP from an ammo box.

Evidence: I died, what more do you need?

How you would punish the accused: The player should have the ability to use Rifles and Flamethrowers removed. Maybe even shotguns. There's nothing worse than running into a Marine as a Xeno that isn't balder than Mr Clean. Don't allow him to name change either - that way we can be sure to be careful around him in the future. The SMG's can be scary too.
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Re: Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

Post by Jakkkk » 18 Jan 2018, 06:17

lol, this cracked me up symb
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Re: Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

Post by Enceri » 18 Jan 2018, 06:18

that monster, filing perma rn

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Re: Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

Post by Robotic Potato » 18 Jan 2018, 06:27

I can confirm this happened I was the other crusher and this fucking powergaming snowflake ruined my round. Like WTF if there isn't a perma I'm quitting tomorrow I swear

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Re: Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

Post by Kavlo » 18 Jan 2018, 06:31

Could he of been more obvious about his blatant powergaming and I dare say also metagaming. My money is on no.
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Re: Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

Post by Karmac » 18 Jan 2018, 07:01

shoot em
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Re: Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

Post by spheretech » 18 Jan 2018, 07:45

this is great, and i can relate

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Re: Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

Post by Lokiki_01 » 18 Jan 2018, 08:24

PS. dun bannu me. I will only FF from now on, pls...
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Re: Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

Post by simonset55 » 18 Jan 2018, 08:43

This is just a prime example of "Why we can't have nice things" and it's unfortunate select players force the devs' hands to nerf shit like this.
It is shameful that Lokiki_01 went so hard to push the boundaries to win but he was using tools at his disposal.
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Re: Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

Post by Dumblike » 18 Jan 2018, 09:21

It's totally abuse and this complaint has 100% validity.
They are powergaming tools that the player is not and was not allowed to use. If anything, it's an over-sight on our part to limit what the average marine can and cannot use.

Will be nerfing the whole USCM most likely to balance it.

You are totally right about why you thought this warranted a report at all.
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Re: Player Report: Yaroslav "AP" Something

Post by x31stOverlord » 18 Jan 2018, 09:28

This is 100000% a justified, well thought out report and I agree wholeheartedly that the perpetrator should recieve not just a permanent ban. But that Apop should drop the banhammer so hard that his children and grandchildren are banned preemptively from ever logging on. It is a crime of the utmost seriousness that if we could. The death penalty should be applied!
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