What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Build_R_ » 29 Jun 2018, 14:17

I'm a smartgunner injured by a runner. I call for a medic, they inject me and I instantly go crit. They get me evacced and it's a process of dying, defibbing and dying in the medbay until everything is out of my system. It turned out that the medic gave me 30 units of quickclot to treat a cut.
When the OB misfires and xenos are on your doorstep. 
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by ThePiachu » 04 Jul 2018, 14:24

https://youtu.be/rAcaAwIhNV0?t=3520 - I got yelled at by the Queen, stomped by the Crusher, tossed onto a Boiler puddle and blown up by a tank... A clusterfuck of a way to die!
Gaius Caelus

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Mister Jeether » 04 Jul 2018, 14:45

Big red > medbay being assaulted > runs into a hallway to throw a grenade > Tank was ready to fire > bang > insta death.

That was by far, one of my most brutal deaths.
I play Sydney 'Lilly' Wood, the totally not depressed doctor, And the marine Dylan Bell, that probably joined the USCM by accident.

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by roushguy » 04 Jul 2018, 18:59

>Be Young Defender (XXX)
>Young Defender (XXX) says, 'Don't worry boiler. I gotcha.'
>Young Defender (XXX) has died at CAVES.
Fuckin' tank instagibbed me from offscreen. I didn't even know it was in play yet.

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by TastyCrabLegs » 05 Jul 2018, 13:06

I once planted some claymores as a Engineer out in the bushes, I ended up hugged and captured later in the round.

So I roll xeno and go runner and am helping with the push, when all of the sudden BOOM the fucking bush explodes.

I killed myself with my own mine I had forgotten about.

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Sulaboy » 05 Jul 2018, 14:22

TastyCrabLegs wrote:
05 Jul 2018, 13:06
I once planted some claymores as a Engineer out in the bushes, I ended up hugged and captured later in the round.

So I roll xeno and go runner and am helping with the push, when all of the sudden BOOM the fucking bush explodes.

I killed myself with my own mine I had forgotten about.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by TastyCrabLegs » 05 Jul 2018, 14:50

It wasn't even an intentional thing I just set it and forgot about it

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Sneakyr » 05 Jul 2018, 15:26

SL, LV, a long, long time ago.
Evaccing the planet, we're being routed out of the Nexus. Only one of the two sets of doors is open, the other is welded with some junk in front of the interior side.
Moving towards the LZ, I get pushed and am now stuck between the welded door, a table to my south, a rack to my north, and a bunch of marines pushing me keeping me stuck in the same spot.
Unfortunately, I have pre-planted an OB.
I get charged by the xenos and they start slashing me to shit, but no tackles since I'm stuck anyway.
Someone throws an incendiary grenade to try to hold back the xeno tide. It hits me, instead.
Marines try to shoot the xenos slashing me, instead they shoot me. AP ammo, ouch.
Someone UGLs the mass of xenos and the OB is called in. At this point, I'd be dead even if I had escaped, but I guess they wanted to make sure.
Needless to say, I did not survive.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by KeyWii » 05 Jul 2018, 15:28

The Supermatter fell from the ship and landed on me.

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Jaketeaking » 09 Jul 2018, 12:00

a while ago, theres was a bug, with a certain atmos pipe, which if you unwrenched it, it sucked you into the pipes nearby it. I died in there. not sure how, just, I was suddenly dead.
The man known as James 'patch' Alfonse. also gets called hotdog and "lemon.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Coat McMutton » 10 Jul 2018, 16:16

I think it was on Ice Colony, when a crusher charged into the elevator and managed to open the cargo area near LZ2 into space, killing several dozen marines through ZAS.

One time trying to lead a charge to Lambda entrance on Big Red, I went from 100 to husked from eating a direct hit acid blob.

After sentries were made unviable, I managed to shoot myself with an M56D by standing next to it and firing too far to the side. Full burst. When I was revived, I quickly manned the MG again, because it was an Ice Colony Tcomms defense, only to shoot myself again in the exact same spot with the same MG, sealing the fate of the defense.

Despite knowing better than to eat floor pills, I for some reason trusted that particular doc. I have never died that quickly from ingesting anything on any SS13 server before.

A researcher put 7 medibots on the Normandy to aid the LZ2 FOB on Ice Colony. Those all shared a single tile and greeted every surviving marine crawling to the ship with an incredibly high overdose of tricord. I was among the first victims, doomed to watch at least a dozen marines follow my exact path to dchat.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Dolth » 14 Jul 2018, 09:58

One of the retarded way I died, went to block a crusher on it's way back. Crusher stepped one tile south, everyone shot me. Took around 15 shots in the face, some was AP some was additional buckshot.

So I was in paincrit instantly, which allowed the crusher to escape. Stomping my ass in while he was at it.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by JennerH » 17 Jul 2018, 15:46

Ultrazine b18 with robo limbs running through a doorway, pyrospec Blue flames the tile* infront of me, run through it as fast as an ancient runner and drop dead from hitting the third tile. Didn't even get set on fire
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Norko » 24 Jul 2018, 01:56

Bumped into the alamo's path when its landing by a baldo

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Dolth » 24 Jul 2018, 09:53

JennerH wrote:
17 Jul 2018, 15:46
Ultrazine b18 with robo limbs running through a doorway, pyrospec Blue flames the role infront of me, run through it as fast as an ancient runner and drop dead from hitting the third tile. Didn't even get set on fire
Lol. That's one of the funniest. I would pay to see that.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by JennerH » 24 Jul 2018, 14:20

Another death was when I was the last marine alive in LZ2 on ice. A rav charged me, removing my arm, and before I could pick the gun back up he cut my other arm off. He then proceeded to parade me around the hive and call me his pet until I bled out. Good times
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Drownie » 24 Jul 2018, 14:49

I was Charlie SL at Big-Red and we had the objective of breach Research and investigate the area, uhh.. the Research was Xeno hive and they had melted the podlocks already.
We found this out really quick because we decided to reach Research via a small tunnel of 1x1 that led directly to podlocks, unfortunately, two crushers decided to move to LZ-2 and take this small tunnel as a route. Basically, the Crushers charged together in that tunnel wiping our Squad out in 10 seconds.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Azfrief » 29 Jul 2018, 20:28

Torn apart by multiple xenos (Mostly drones) While the queen was standing over me and had just finished yelling at me via telepathy for not following through with our deal. It was cool.

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Avalanchee » 01 Aug 2018, 04:05

Chloe was repairing my roboarm but
Omicega is big brain because he aimed at a different body part and he lit me up.
Phillip 'Avalanche' Murray
They are actually very balanced. The difference is ya get marines who think they can rambo a xeno and when they die, they get all salty about it.Mizari 10/12/2018, Xeno mutators
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Dolth » 01 Aug 2018, 04:07

Avalanchee wrote:
01 Aug 2018, 04:05
Chloe was repairing my roboarm but
Omicega is big brain because he aimed at a different body part and he lit me up.
Which is why I carry my shotgun boxes in my backpack ALONG SPLINTS AND A FIRE EXTINGUISHER.

Also you died from it? Oof.
Also 2, that's why I said Echard was top 1 medic and not the galian cunt.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Avalanchee » 01 Aug 2018, 06:49

Dolth wrote:
01 Aug 2018, 04:07
Which is why I carry my shotgun boxes in my backpack ALONG SPLINTS AND A FIRE EXTINGUISHER.

Also you died from it? Oof.
Also 2, that's why I said Echard was top 1 medic and not the galian cunt.
Echard is bae
Phillip 'Avalanche' Murray
They are actually very balanced. The difference is ya get marines who think they can rambo a xeno and when they die, they get all salty about it.Mizari 10/12/2018, Xeno mutators
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Dolth » 01 Aug 2018, 09:31

Avalanchee wrote:
01 Aug 2018, 06:49
Echard is bae
Echard is love
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by KingPhilipIII » 01 Aug 2018, 11:14

Spitter was stunlocking me over a barricade as a survivor while we were pulling back to our second line. Warrior breaks through, grabs me and starts dragging me away. Other survivor shouts sorry and blows my head off with a shotgun.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by carlarc » 01 Aug 2018, 12:31

i die in a tablefort fight, get dragged away, badass combat medic leads a push and medevacs me, dumbass PO has no roller bed and drops me off in medbay lobby where i sit unonscious for 10 minutes and almost permadie because NOBODY checked lobby except for a researcher in that entire time
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 01 Aug 2018, 12:54

Everytime I see Hawke "Hotwheels" Hokkum in a wheelchair a part of me dies on the inside.

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