is 60$ games turning into free phone games?

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is 60$ games turning into free phone games?

Post by jasonapples » 18 Feb 2018, 03:01

just want to know what you guys think.

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Re: is 60$ games turning into free phone games?

Post by Skeptical » 18 Feb 2018, 03:09

It's been said before but I'd rather pay more for a full game that would include free DLC, no microtransactions, and guaranteed support through bug fixes and gameplay changes. With lootboxes and microtransactions it's descending into mobile games and while not as bad as them, it will get worse.

They are slowly turning into mobile games and at worst we may be paying for entirely cut out parts of a game to finish it completely or even get enjoyment out of it.
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Re: is 60$ games turning into free phone games?

Post by NethIafins » 18 Feb 2018, 04:13

Jim Fucking Sterling son, perfectly explained it in his last jimquisition video
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Re: is 60$ games turning into free phone games?

Post by Little_Wild » 18 Feb 2018, 06:14

It's a pretty loaded question really. Technically the price of games should have gone up to compensate for the increased costs (and inflation) but the industry as a whole has been unwilling to do that in fear of losing customers so they're now attempting much less savory methods, in my opinion.

However I frankly have no sympathy because for those big budget titles it seems they all have crazy ballooned out budgets beyond reason and, at least in the AAA industry, the whole system seems to revolve around eating IPs and employees to shit out their products. There is still many a horror story of QA staff having to work 80 hour weeks around "crunch time" while only being paid a 40 hour salary. Then if you want a real nice sewage icing on this fecal matter cake, these big publishers and developers in the US don't pay any tax through blatant evasion (super bunny hop has a video about it)

So like Skeptical said, it's going to get worse because the big budget games industry is an economic power house and no one wants to mess with it (enforcing actual regulations and promoting worker rights etc) out of fear that they're going to break it when frankly the industry is doing a great job of breaking itself.

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Re: is 60$ games turning into free phone games?

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 22 Feb 2018, 07:30

I'd pay for expansions (not piecemeal DLCs) and some special cosmetics.

The microtransation system (done wrong) is awful. But there are instances of it actually being really good like in the case of TF2.
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