Handgun Ocelot

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Byond: MauroVega
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Handgun Ocelot

Post by MauroVega » 21 Feb 2018, 19:42

Be mean to devs

Pay the price of being toxic

Have mercy from the gods and go to the range as ordered

Spend 5 mags in the shotting range and reach perfection

Somehow get 3 kills with 2 pistols,die to being tackled and a marine burning you alive
10/10 would dual again
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Byond: 4thsurviver

Re: Handgun Ocelot

Post by 4thsurviver » 22 Feb 2018, 03:58

This is the worst handgun ever made. The m4a3 service pistol. 12 bullets. Not enough to kill anything that stands still. Now I'll show you why they call me, Handgun. Draw!
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Byond: QuackingFlack

Re: Handgun Ocelot

Post by QuackingFlack » 22 Mar 2018, 06:35

Shoulda' grabbed a pair of revolvers and used those.
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