Almayer Railguns

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Byond: Hughgent

Almayer Railguns

Post by Hughgent » 22 Feb 2018, 12:00

the glass jar on top. Tiny ghost or a Panda?

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Re: Almayer Railguns

Post by getfreur » 22 Feb 2018, 12:08

Bill Carson soul

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Byond: Davidofmk771

Re: Almayer Railguns

Post by davidofmk771 » 22 Feb 2018, 12:27

it egg

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Byond: DeusMort1s

Re: Almayer Railguns

Post by DeusMortis » 22 Feb 2018, 12:29

I thought I was going crazy seeing it as a panda.
Emilio Greene

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Re: Almayer Railguns

Post by Simo94 » 22 Feb 2018, 12:55

It is the collective conscience of all the ghosts of marines that died horrifyingly at the hands of xenos, an ironic hivemind, just waiting for high command or god forbid the commander himself to man up and say fuck the rules, pull all marines, and just nuke the planet using those virgin railguns, so they can finally get out from that cannon, which represents the limbo between life and the afterlife in which they continuously scream reliving the moment they died over and over again till the end of time, into the planet nuking it and exterminating all the xenos once and for all, getting their revenge, and being set free to join their families and beloved ones in heaven, or hell if you are Bill Carson.

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Byond: Weaselburg

Re: Almayer Railguns

Post by Weaselburg » 22 Feb 2018, 13:02

Simo94 wrote:
22 Feb 2018, 12:55
It is the collective conscience of all the ghosts of marines that died horrifyingly at the hands of xenos, an ironic hivemind, just waiting for high command or god forbid the commander himself to man up and say fuck the rules, pull all marines, and just nuke the planet using those virgin railguns, so they can finally get out from that cannon, which represents the limbo between life and the afterlife in which they continuously scream reliving the moment they died over and over again till the end of time, into the planet nuking it and exterminating all the xenos once and for all, getting their revenge, and being set free to join their families and beloved ones in heaven, or hell if you are Bill Carson.
Or the glorious Mortar Factory, where I will go when I die.
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Byond: Arbs

Re: Almayer Railguns

Post by Arbs » 22 Feb 2018, 13:05

marine tears
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Re: Almayer Railguns

Post by getfreur » 22 Feb 2018, 13:23

Arbs wrote:
22 Feb 2018, 13:05
marine tears
Marine salt

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Byond: Stripetail

Re: Almayer Railguns

Post by Stripetail » 22 Feb 2018, 20:22

This is just where Feweh puts all of the furries on the server. They become ammunition for the Almayer's guns.
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Re: Almayer Railguns

Post by Cry of Wolves » 22 Feb 2018, 23:56

JKincaid wrote:
22 Feb 2018, 20:22
This is just where Feweh puts all of the furries on the server. They become ammunition for the Almayer's guns.
That's alot of room for just myself.

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Re: Almayer Railguns

Post by Stripetail » 25 Feb 2018, 00:19

Cry of Wolves wrote:
22 Feb 2018, 23:56
That's alot of room for just myself.
Yes... only you...
Joshua Kincaid
Paul Balderson
[Pred] Koren Kjuhte

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