[Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

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Reuben Owen
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[Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by Reuben Owen » 10 Mar 2018, 22:30

Summary (a quick, 1-2 sentence summary): Marines need to Poop. They are big boys and have very stressful job. You're telling me a marine can handle a gun for 2 hours straight without taking a leak? After eating the Nache Cheese MRE? I CANNOT LET THIS STAND BECAUSE MUH REALISM

Details (how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Every 40-70 minutes, your character will get a message to feel a need to use the restroom. If you are hungry for more than 10 minutes the next "break" will come 5 minutes quicker. You have to go hunt down a toilet, buckle in, and for 30 seconds have to stay there. If you've been drinking coffee, you have to stay there for a full minute and will cause the next poop will come 10 minutes earlier. Don't forget to flush and wash hands or you may cause infections to any Marines you touch after!

If you do not use the bathroom within 5 minutes of the message, you will get a "warning message". 1 Minute after that, you will start to experience slowdown, and will on occasion accidentally let out shots from any equipped gun, along with decreased accuracy. 10 minutes after that, if you have not "relieved yourself" from duty one of several things will happen:

*All people will be unable to hold it and release a brown cloud that covers a 5x5 area along with a fart louder than the Queen's screech. Nearby Marines will be knocked down, blinded, and begin taking oxygen damage. However the Marine who let it rip is immune to paincrit for the next minute, such is the relief of releasing their burden.

*SLs will be able to hold it in, but will commit suicide from the sheer pain after an additional 2 minutes. However a dead body will not be able to hold it so well...

*Commander will let out a scream of anguish over comms, followed by a 3 minute period which they fall unconscious.

Sure you can go and hunt down the Queen after every Xeno is dead... but you really need to take a dump in the next 5 mins. Tactical Retreat!

DEFEND THE BATHROOMS AT ALL COSTS. What new strategies will come forth?

There is a 1/4 chance when you spawn out of Cryo, you have to immediately empty your bladder. This would help decrease lines at Req. Because instead some people would be lining up to use the bathroom.

For balance purposes: Commanders and Staff Officers have to use the bathroom FOUR TIMES as much as the average marine.

Oh yeah... Xenos can go through plumbing too, along with vents. But you can't weld toilets shut because then you can't poop. But you can put mines in toilets.

Also new ERT to handle extreme cases: Gas Squad

Implementation (optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Put the lime in the coconut.
Last edited by Reuben Owen on 11 Mar 2018, 17:49, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by TheDonkified » 10 Mar 2018, 22:32

If you use the bathroom with a mob within sight, you get blurry vision, worse aim, and constantly get the message in your head "You feel embarassed".
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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by Kerek » 10 Mar 2018, 22:37

Don’t forget if someone drinks coffee it decreases the time between poops.
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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by Sulaboy » 10 Mar 2018, 22:39

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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by spookydonut » 10 Mar 2018, 23:47

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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by Stripetail » 11 Mar 2018, 01:27

I once went into the extended bunks bathrooms and OD'd myself a bit on quickclot while on the toilet. The amount of wailing screams hears by marines outside was well worth the pain.
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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by JennerH » 11 Mar 2018, 03:38

I'm actually for this. give marines the shits to balance out all the recent marine majors
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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by Cry of Wolves » 11 Mar 2018, 06:59

You do know military MREs make you constipated, right?

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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by Forst » 11 Mar 2018, 09:56

The crazy thing is that SS13 used to have this. Someone found you can add blood and crap to grenades and have bloody crap grenades stain entire hallways. It was the only way to make yourself thin if you got hyper-fat.

You could also pick it up and throw it.
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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by z a n e b o t » 11 Mar 2018, 10:29

I agree with this

Reuben Owen
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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by Reuben Owen » 11 Mar 2018, 10:49

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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by ValGarilovich » 11 Mar 2018, 18:56

Whenever Im a shipside role I will actually go to the bathroom if I have to leave shortly IRL, so I am prepared for this change. +1
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Re: [Suggestion] Bathroom Breaks

Post by 4thsurviver » 11 Mar 2018, 19:02

PO would have to remind the marines to use the bathroom now because they won't be pulling over on the way.
ValGarilovich wrote:
11 Mar 2018, 18:56
Whenever Im a shipside role I will actually go to the bathroom if I have to leave shortly IRL, so I am prepared for this change. +1
I do this all the time as MP too. Must be all the coffee I drink.
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