[BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

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[BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

Post by ValGarilovich » 11 Mar 2018, 19:03

Summary: on every map wierd bugs will appear and start attacking marines and survivors.

Description: So whenever I play CM this bug appears and causes many people to be out of the round. This bug causes the ship to explode, or all the marines to die or become bugs, and trying to remove the bugs as a marine causes the round to end for some reason, even though the colony is usually in complete disarray.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Join server
2. Go to the planet
3. Notice big bugs spitting and slashing at people

How to fix: Remove the wierd bug things.
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Re: [BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

Post by Forst » 11 Mar 2018, 19:08

I wasn't able to reproduce the problem, did you manage to get some screenshots?
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Re: [BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

Post by crono23 » 11 Mar 2018, 19:10

Game-breaking bug, can confirm. Plz fix, kay?
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Re: [BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

Post by RedsPro » 11 Mar 2018, 19:13

Nice meme Val
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Re: [BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

Post by DriedMilk » 11 Mar 2018, 19:27

Jesus Developers!



Making staff report now get ready to get banned hahahah lazy dev
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Re: [BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

Post by Cognito » 11 Mar 2018, 19:54

I know this bug!
But its not really that game breaking, i mean usually its removed within 10 minutes when Marines lands on the planet.

What if we made the bug actually threatening? That would be cool xd.
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Re: [BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

Post by CaptainYankee » 11 Mar 2018, 20:19

Forst wrote:
11 Mar 2018, 19:08
I wasn't able to reproduce the problem, did you manage to get some screenshots?
Try playing on LV, wait 30 to 40 minutes in hydro and they should pop up to the north.
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Re: [BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

Post by Forst » 12 Mar 2018, 07:41

CaptainYankee wrote:
11 Mar 2018, 20:19
Try playing on LV, wait 30 to 40 minutes in hydro and they should pop up to the north.
I tried, I died about ten minutes in after overdosing on coffee and cigarettes as a MT because there was no-one to talk to
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Re: [BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

Post by zoboomafoo » 13 Mar 2018, 04:37

Game breaking bug.

Occurs to me every round, I always wander off to explore the neat maps and these black things come out and murder me dead. Every once in a while they drag me to a cave. I usually go afk then.

pls fix
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Re: [BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

Post by xMotta » 13 Mar 2018, 05:55

I have the same bug every fucking round!
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Re: [BUG] Big bugs appear and murder you.

Post by IrishCow » 13 Mar 2018, 22:03

I keep trying to keep Hydro up and running but a bunch of army dudes keep occupying it and throwing everything outside! Please help
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