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Post by Rikman » 31 Mar 2018, 01:34

yet another great event. I missed it, though, because I was never rolled to be CLF the entire time I waited since roundstart.

This event also showed us how MGs are COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT a good way to use tactics.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( SHITPOST))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
“Here is the wild Homo Sapien hunting its prey. The humanoids are pack hunters, using their shoddy armor as a pitiful defense against the towering Insecta. The human is quickly downed by the Insecta’s powerful slash. But, sheer numbers of humanoids rampage the abuser and Insecta is eventually burned to death, beaten, and dismembered.”
Manley ‘The-Man’ Dawkins

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Byond: Dr.Png

Re: *laugh

Post by DrPng » 31 Mar 2018, 20:25

hah, i rolled CLF the first try boii until I ended up getting flamed like it was nam and had numerous of my own members just walk by my corpse till someone finally notice.

too late though since I was husked i believe.
I play Daniel Sullivan.

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