yautja app

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Byond: Dr.Png

yautja app

Post by DrPng » 01 Apr 2018, 11:18

Byond ID: Drpng

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here): Yautja

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Predator

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?

not yet but i will definently read it when accepted, thanks.

Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background):
yautja predator was born on a planet as high and he had everything at birth, plasma gun, blade thing wrist, and the stick. when he went to hunt, they gave him elder because he killed the biggest xeno because he was born the best predator.
now its 1000 years latr and he coems to hunt the marines and xenomorph because he believes they will make a fine trophy

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator)?
i will kill all xenos and marines for the trophy and try to do rp with them to make it cool, that's all.

Why should we whitelist you?
because ive seen preds and they are cool and if i becoe pred i will be best and only duel.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?
yes, ive been perma banned but i will be the best

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?
im banned from other servers

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? no
I play Daniel Sullivan.

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Re: yautja app

Post by Avalanchee » 01 Apr 2018, 11:23

Great app, definetly +1
Finnaly a proper predator app. everyone wants their predator to be super duper ultra cool but you dont want to.
You are different.
Phillip 'Avalanche' Murray
They are actually very balanced. The difference is ya get marines who think they can rambo a xeno and when they die, they get all salty about it.Mizari 10/12/2018, Xeno mutators
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Byond: Dr.Png

Re: yautja app

Post by DrPng » 01 Apr 2018, 19:03

thank u for kind word
I play Daniel Sullivan.

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Byond: Madventurer

Re: yautja app

Post by Madventurer » 03 Apr 2018, 10:54

Can we make this guy select next predators while at it?

Definitely +everything
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Byond: Weaselburg

Re: yautja app

Post by Weaselburg » 03 Apr 2018, 22:49

The last queston was not answered, please fill it out. Otherwise best app in my 20 years of running a pawnshop.
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Re: yautja app

Post by Sambalu » 05 Apr 2018, 18:46

Such a great application
The backstory is so detailed
give this man a +1

Maybe I fucked up the haiku.
fuck it.

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Re: yautja app

Post by Cry of Wolves » 05 Apr 2018, 19:29

Sambalu wrote:
05 Apr 2018, 18:46
A very good app.
A backstory so detailed.
Fixed it.

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Byond: Dr.Png

Re: yautja app

Post by DrPng » 05 Apr 2018, 19:45

eVERYOne thanks for the +1!!! :)))))))00, i know this great so its gonna get accepted and when it does can I GetT unpermamama?!?!?
I play Daniel Sullivan.

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Re: yautja app

Post by Rikman » 05 Apr 2018, 21:57

DrPng wrote:
05 Apr 2018, 19:45
eVERYOne thanks for the +1!!! :)))))))00, i know this great so its gonna get accepted and when it does can I GetT unpermamama?!?!?
Sir, I want to personally thank you.

You will bring this server to greatness
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