What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

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What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

Post by Madventurer » 03 Apr 2018, 17:55

How many times have you died and revived?

It doesn't count if you die while being actively treated, you actually have to get up and do something besides walk a few steps and collapse in paincrit between deaths.
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Re: What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

Post by Weaselburg » 03 Apr 2018, 18:17

This is more of a story, but one survivor round, I was with a guy named Pavlo, and we holed up. But about 7 minutes(I think) before the Muhreens landed, the Ayys found us, resulting in us being taken about 3 minutes later. Before that was over, I said that we should kill ourselves, but the ayys where at the barricade next to us, so they kept stunning us. I asked Pavlo to shoot me, which he did, 5-7 times. The ayys breached our cades soon after that, and we were devoured and began to be transported to the hive. But, as a result of my injurys and a forgetful beno, I died FAR away from the hive. Before I died, I mentioned the acidic stomach to the drone that devoured me in LOOC, and he apologized. I accepted it, and died. I was looking at the Beno hive when some Muhreens found my dead corpse and revived me. I was evaced and survived, with heavy trauma and a deep feeling of regret. The CL tried to get me to sign some non-disclosure agreement after I had been debriefed by MPs, which I signed the date as Ẅhem everything when to shit¨ ¨Fucking asshats¨ etc. Instead of signing the main part, I just put ¨Fuck you¨ handed the CL the paper, and calmly walked out.
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Re: What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

Post by ColonelCorazon » 03 Apr 2018, 18:21

At least forty times.
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Re: What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

Post by Weaselburg » 03 Apr 2018, 18:26

Corazon wrote:
03 Apr 2018, 18:21
At least forty times.
Well, that IS why you are famous.
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Re: What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

Post by WinterClould » 05 Apr 2018, 17:27

5 times in a 4 hour Ice Colony round. War is heck.
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Re: What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

Post by Sambalu » 05 Apr 2018, 18:41

three times

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Re: What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

Post by Cry of Wolves » 05 Apr 2018, 19:33

I believe Vance Werner holds the record with 20+ revives until he succumbed to both Cheese Bursters and Heart Failure.

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Re: What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

Post by DukeOz » 07 Apr 2018, 02:34

6 times on LV in a 4 hour round. Three were for the same surgery though.
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Re: What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

Post by ComradeCorbyn » 07 Apr 2018, 03:40

four times
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Re: What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

Post by IrishCow » 10 Apr 2018, 04:46

I lost count, it sure as hell broke 40, because it went on for an HOUR and a HALF.

So the story take place on ice colony I was an extra LT during the round so I was sent down to the planet. but when I got to the Alamo in the hanger there was an alien on board and I was sliced into crit.

Instead of dragging me to Medbay some bald medic decided he would patch me up on the dropship.... for some reason.

So the dropship leaves with me on it (now dead) and this medic starts reviving me, but not only that; for the next HOUR he drags me ALL OVER Ice Colony with me dying every minute and him only stopping to revive me. So i'm being dragged around all over Ice Colony, and i a had forgotten my coif, so this medic nabs on off a dead marine and puts it on me so I don't freeze to death......

(Quick reminder I am dying and being Defibed every minute or so, some times even twice a minute. The Defib noise became so ear grading my girlfriend got up and left the room saying it was just too awful of a sound)
So anyway the marines get pushed back to LZ1 and forced off the planet, with me in tow, still in crit. So I'm dragged to CIC for some reason, not really sure; but them I'm dragged down through the brig, to the NORMANDY dropship and taken BACK TO ICE COLONY, where I was dragged some more all the way to the underground where I was left to die.....

UNTIL I was discovered by the Queen who was moving larva to the Alamo (this was before the Queen Update) And she decided to just outright Gib me, ending my suffering of being dragged, killed, and revived over and over again.

Now when ever my girlfriend hears the defib noise she leaves the bedroom, so thank you CM for annoying my girlfriend lol :lol:
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Re: What's the highest amount of times you've been killed and revived in one round?

Post by Dorkkeli » 11 Apr 2018, 06:17

Around 25-ish times, I went on nickname "Undead" for a while, and the doctors always said, "Oh, you came here [medbay] alive? What's wrong with you?"
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