Finnian Cottier Dosser (don't steal!!)

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Finnian Cottier Dosser (don't steal!!)

Post by edda » 12 Apr 2018, 01:52


Name: Finnian Cotteir
Nickname: Mature ravager (62)
Age: 18
Birth Date: Jan 1, 1900
Place of Birth: secret Weylan-yutani Lab
Physical Description: His parents were killed by XENOMORPHS when he was five an Wewand-Yutan took him from home and train him as super solder, he broke free and join MARINES as special forces but pretening 2 be normal marine so he doesnt stand out or anything cause he just wans to be normal guy. Then he find out xenomorphs who kill his parens made by WEYLAN-YUTAN! anyway he want revenge against the EVIL company and he like to kill the xenmorphs.

Backstory: o sorry put story upstairs, now I put desc here. He looks super cool and everybod like him.

People He Know:
Apophis (enemy): super bald lols
Bill Carson (fren): Bill Carson is (in Finnian's eyes) an exemplary soldier and commander. Finnian approves of his bold and decisive leadership.
SailorDave (enemy): uh pred is super gay and unfair, i can beat u 1v1 as farwa

if I forget u, let me know an I add you OK?
Finnian Cottier

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Byond: SaltyMouthful

Re: Finnian Cottier Dosser (don't steal!!)

Post by SaltyMouthful » 12 Apr 2018, 01:53

+1 well rounded app.

Cpl. Irwin Polari

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Re: Finnian Cottier Dosser (don't steal!!)

Post by Avalanchee » 12 Apr 2018, 02:52

Awesome job E🅱🅱a
Phillip 'Avalanche' Murray
They are actually very balanced. The difference is ya get marines who think they can rambo a xeno and when they die, they get all salty about it.Mizari 10/12/2018, Xeno mutators
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Byond: Weaselburg

Re: Finnian Cottier Dosser (don't steal!!)

Post by Weaselburg » 15 Apr 2018, 19:28

You forgot me my dude. I was the first whitelisted farwa
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