boonie hats

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Re: boonie hats

Post by BillyBoBBizWorth » 04 May 2018, 07:52

Ya know, i can actually picture this.They end up introducing boonie hats like the bandana and beret available in the character setup(meaning they have no protection value like helmets).Everyone starts wearing them for the "coolness" of them, xenoes start exclusively targeting head(like alot already do).Mass piles of decapped marines scattered around the map, boonie hats everywhere! Constant xeno major wins foreseeable in the future.

Max Dallas has been hit in the chest by the M40 HEDP grenade.

I will murder you Brittany Breeze

"It was a fantastic round. If the CO hadn't cryo'ed before the end I'd have bothered him to give at least two more medals. To PFC Max Dallas, who kept doing the path between the frontlines to FOB (the only place with medical aid) with a roller bed, and saved a lot of marines who'd have husked otherwise. And to Dr. Haley Altman, who after all medics were gone was fixing us time and again for hours straight. At the end there were over 10 patients around her either dead or in crit, and she just kept going."

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Re: boonie hats

Post by Ghostdex » 04 May 2018, 10:04

Kavlo wrote:
23 Apr 2018, 23:31
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Re: boonie hats

Post by zoboomafoo » 24 May 2018, 00:45

Boonie hats tho
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Re: boonie hats

Post by Cry of Wolves » 24 May 2018, 01:16

Every player that has spammed boonie hats.

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