The Great Escape

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The Great Escape

Post by x31stOverlord » 18 Jun 2018, 03:00

Not so much great. Definitely an escape:

- Be PYRO spec on Prison.
- Commander orders a charge into overran canteen.
- Charge through kitchen.
- Get hugged by a carrier after lighting up a crusher.
- Nested.
- :/
- Pretty healthy start breaking out.
- Hivelord tries moving me to a secure nest.
- Blue flames loaded.
- >:)
- Burn baby burn.
- Target down, phase 2.
- Start heading south out of canteen. FOB surrounded ain't getting out that way.
- :/
- Ohshit defender came to find out how the hivelord died.
- Scare off with blue flames.
- Start heading towards central ring.
- Defender and drone ahead of me.
- :/
- Blue flames loaded.
- >:)
- Burn baby burn.
- Drone dead.
- Defender tackles me and gets a few slashes in.
- :/
- Your armour has deflected the blow.
- >:)
- Burn baby burn.
- Defender dead.
- Start patching up the burns and bruises as I make my way to medbay.
- Call over comms that I'm headed to LZ2 and need an extraction.
- SO says the CO said no.
- :/
- CO comes on comms. Say I need extraction.
- CO agrees to send Normandy down.
- :D
- Find delta spec dead in medbay. Drag into LZ.
- Leave no spec behind.
- Get on Normandy as only survivor after fall of FOB.
- Throat hurts, knees weak, larva spaghetti.
- Not much time left.
- :/
- SO waiting on the LZ with stretcher bed for me.
- :D
- Get into medbay and get surgery.
- Dropship has been hijacked.
- :/
- Blue flames loaded.
- >:)
- Burn time.

Marines win major victory after rushing dropship in huge dunga numbers. Pretty damn fun escape for me, wasn't sure I was going to survive all that. Poor hivelord didn't know what he unleashed.
Yautja - Zathar-Veraz Wolfgang Schneider - CO, CL, SO, XO, Synthetic Unit Joshua Roscoe Barrett - Spec, SGCMP, MP Ancient Empress, Ancient Runner (69)

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Byond: Ghost120

Re: The Great Escape

Post by ghost120 » 18 Jun 2018, 06:31

Overlord major
Leon "Ghost" Daemon Image Chibi Leon by Okand37. Huge thanks to her!

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Re: The Great Escape

Post by Gnorse » 18 Jun 2018, 07:47

Having blue flame loaded as a captured pyro is insanely fun.
Just managed to kill four xenos as a captured pyro myself before getting decapped because no helmet.
-local suicidal delta PFC. No, not murry, the other one- : Oussama 'DOA' Neghiz
Please don't follow me if you don't want to die
Occasional commander, Part-time smartgunner and Full-time PFC.

Image (Huge thanks to Okand37 for making this cute boi !)

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Re: The Great Escape

Post by FearTheBlackout » 18 Jun 2018, 08:47

>equip pyro spec with gasmask
>only talk in *scream and *pain emotes
>B variant only
>marine major
Meztli 'Penumbra' Tlachi - reasonable, outgoing CMP WARRANT REVOKED; INVESTIGATION PENDING
Tonati 'Lumen' Tlachi - focused, sarcastic Doctor/Researcher
Bailey 'Androgyne' James - exactly what you'd expect
Dominick 'Umpire' Feldspar - creepy, slow-paced Officer
Dana 'Croc' Swartwout - dawdling, unsympathetic Squad Marine/Specialist
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Re: The Great Escape

Post by Royal Griffon » 26 Jun 2018, 02:27

>Be SO and have a drunk Heinz go cyro
>Get his mateba and trade it for 9mm custom pistol
>try to be cheeky and run away on Normandy
>get fucked by at least 5 xenos and combat facehugged by a drone
>Have fractured groin (xenos love dick punches) and IB
>get basically 100% healed from nest and resist and free self
>free all other captured marines/POs
>pull out mateba and head to nano first aid boxes and painstop self
>start mateba'ing every single T1 xeno into non existence
>kill at least 5 xenos with just the mateba
>xeno numbers drop from 30+ to about 5
>suicide to prevent chest baby
>successful escape, enjoy the sweet release of death.
Ssgt Mikey 'Snatch' Anders: HEINZ WE MADE THE WAFFEN SS
Elite Hunter (488): QUEEN HELP I'M SCARED" Scurries about the escape pod locked inside
PFC Mikey 'Snatch' Anders: GLORY TO THE REVOLUTION COMRADES, DA? moments before defecting to the UPP as a traitor to the USCM
Karmac wrote: Griffon I love that your forum signature consists of absolutely retarded low RP comments you've made, it just helps me know that you are in fact the big gay

superjo98 wrote: Hey griffon you should put this in your signature since you're so robust and communism is great that way I feel special.

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Re: The Great Escape

Post by Avalanchee » 26 Jun 2018, 14:22

>gear up
>get FFd
>gear up
>get FFd
>gear up
>get FFd
>Alamo Hijacked
>gear up
>get FFd
>SD Doctors
Phillip 'Avalanche' Murray
They are actually very balanced. The difference is ya get marines who think they can rambo a xeno and when they die, they get all salty about it.Mizari 10/12/2018, Xeno mutators
Expert at friendly fire, girls and weapons.
Deltard from inside n' outside

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Re: The Great Escape

Post by Royal Griffon » 27 Jun 2018, 14:58

Avalanchee wrote:
26 Jun 2018, 14:22
>gear up
>get FFd
>gear up
>get FFd
>gear up
>get FFd
>Alamo Hijacked
>gear up
>get FFd
>SD Doctors
roses are red, violets are blue, fuck the MPs and the scout that shot me too
Ssgt Mikey 'Snatch' Anders: HEINZ WE MADE THE WAFFEN SS
Elite Hunter (488): QUEEN HELP I'M SCARED" Scurries about the escape pod locked inside
PFC Mikey 'Snatch' Anders: GLORY TO THE REVOLUTION COMRADES, DA? moments before defecting to the UPP as a traitor to the USCM
Karmac wrote: Griffon I love that your forum signature consists of absolutely retarded low RP comments you've made, it just helps me know that you are in fact the big gay

superjo98 wrote: Hey griffon you should put this in your signature since you're so robust and communism is great that way I feel special.

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Re: The Great Escape

Post by Avalanchee » 27 Jun 2018, 16:19

Royal Griffon wrote:
27 Jun 2018, 14:58
roses are red, violets are blue, fuck the MPs and the scout that shot me too
I love my quotes
Phillip 'Avalanche' Murray
They are actually very balanced. The difference is ya get marines who think they can rambo a xeno and when they die, they get all salty about it.Mizari 10/12/2018, Xeno mutators
Expert at friendly fire, girls and weapons.
Deltard from inside n' outside

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Royal Griffon
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Re: The Great Escape

Post by Royal Griffon » 27 Jun 2018, 22:26

Avalanchee wrote:
27 Jun 2018, 16:19
I love my quotes
hands down my favourite one yet
Ssgt Mikey 'Snatch' Anders: HEINZ WE MADE THE WAFFEN SS
Elite Hunter (488): QUEEN HELP I'M SCARED" Scurries about the escape pod locked inside
PFC Mikey 'Snatch' Anders: GLORY TO THE REVOLUTION COMRADES, DA? moments before defecting to the UPP as a traitor to the USCM
Karmac wrote: Griffon I love that your forum signature consists of absolutely retarded low RP comments you've made, it just helps me know that you are in fact the big gay

superjo98 wrote: Hey griffon you should put this in your signature since you're so robust and communism is great that way I feel special.

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