What... has happened

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Byond: Lukey111

What... has happened

Post by Lukey111 » 08 Jul 2018, 01:39

Alright, question time.

1. What has happened
2. Where's my holy forum chat
3. In short, basically explain the most important scrap I've missed from my 3 months of inactivity

I come back here with 700 notifications, apop is gone, the aliens look like something you would see when you've eaten 20 rice krispie treats in 3 minutes, and the changelog is like a flood right now to me.
I play as Monday "Scatter" Williams, he is the guy that takes no one seriously, except his good friend, his work.
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"I'm in engineering most of the time, I like leading the nerds" - Monday 'Scatter' Williams
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Re: What... has happened

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 08 Jul 2018, 07:08

1. Lots of things happened, we have a tank, I don't know if that's included in the 3 months but hey, tank. And it can be either really good or absolutely terrible depending on the crew.
2. Forum chat was bugging out causing the fourm server to go down somerimes.
3. 700 notifications maybe because you subscribed to a lot if topics.
4. Apop left due to reddit drama that affected even real life.
5. Aliens needed to change for, I THINK, copyright reasons.
6. Weyland Yutani was trademarked/copyrighted so we had to change it to The Company, until the dev team can come up with a better name.
7. The Orbital Cannon is an actual thing now, with 3 flavours of explosions.
8. Sniper rifles, such as the Marksman Rifle and the AT Rifle the PMCs have now get IFF for the respective teams, no more shooting the Squad Leader's head of anymore.
9. Lots of minor tweaks, improvements over the few months by Phil.
10. The CL now has more fun stuff to play with.
11. Prep Rooms have been redesigned, squad roles can now somewhat customise their loadout, specifically the Squad Leaders, Engineers and Medics. The grunts get nothing but the same stuff really. Oh, also, no more uniform issues on very high pop now.
12. 2 New aliens, the Warrior and the Defender.
A frontline teir 2 caste that can lunge at people into a chokehold where they can be dragged off into the hive to be slaughted or face huggered, they can also throw marines around too, quite funny due to the spinning animation. An agility mode where they can go very fast but can't use abilities.
A Tier 1 defensive unit that can tank damage like the crusher. Very armoured as they get upgraded. They have the head crest ability that can toggle your crest down to increase armour, tail sweep marines next to you to send them flying. Fortify ability which enables them to drastically increase armour from the front but locks you in place for a while making you immobile. They can also head butt marines, kinda cool.
13. Machetes can now chop and clear vines, finally.
14. The Alien evolution tree has been split to 4 specialistations, you can read it on the wiki.
15. Um, that's all I can think of. Have a good one!
George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

I don't like cute things.

Good hunting.

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Re: What... has happened

Post by Jaketeaking » 09 Jul 2018, 11:52

many many things.
The man known as James 'patch' Alfonse. also gets called hotdog and "lemon.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity" - General George S Patton
WO first ever round -- only doctor.
WOv2 - First ever CO to survive more than 30 minutes, thanks to the help of bravo, charlie, delta, and flex the madman who killed at least 30 using an MG turret and an epic bombardment
https://snag.gy/I60qtG.jpg -- an average CM round for me

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