No. Just no.

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No. Just no.

Post by Azfrief » 29 Jul 2018, 20:04

>"I don't think you're able to handle that role at the moment with how you play your character. I would advise you tone your attitude down and change how you play your character."
How I play Yumi will NEVER change. She's a cold, cruel bitch and she'll stay that way. The most you'll ever get is me faking "acceptable behavior." OOC to not get any more notes and hopefully actually get at least a few roles back. Sorry if that disappoints you. Getting mad over the way someone writes their character unless it's that they'e an FF-crazy psychopath or something where it's preschool level "I either don't speak at all for really non character-related reasons or just put the absolute bare minimum level of RP in it complete with atrocious English that isn't due to something like sleep deprivation OOC." is completely silly.

I rest my case.

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by BluntForce420 » 29 Jul 2018, 21:30


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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Jakkkk » 29 Jul 2018, 22:16

are you okay boss
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Synthetic Council Term One, along with Sleepy Retard and MattAtlas.

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Royal Griffon » 30 Jul 2018, 01:21

I thought you would go quiet out of nowhere and not react to things randomly as if you were getting bwoinked
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Karmac wrote: Griffon I love that your forum signature consists of absolutely retarded low RP comments you've made, it just helps me know that you are in fact the big gay

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Dorkkeli » 30 Jul 2018, 03:38

Wat is dis
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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Gnorse » 03 Aug 2018, 13:37

Context machine broke
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Re: No. Just no.

Post by FracturedAntler » 03 Aug 2018, 15:06

You take your roleplay too serious my dude. Instead of being an asshole and justifying it with "muh arrpee" just be an enjoyable person and make the round better for other people.

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Jaketeaking » 03 Aug 2018, 15:30

new phone who dis
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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Build_R_ » 03 Aug 2018, 17:09

You're supposed to put the salt on AFTER the context!
When the OB misfires and xenos are on your doorstep. 
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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Sleepy Retard » 03 Aug 2018, 21:15

Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Bancrose » 06 Aug 2018, 04:59

Hi who is this?
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Re: No. Just no.

Post by conthegodoffire » 06 Aug 2018, 05:41

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by NoahKirchner » 06 Aug 2018, 05:42

hey, can you pick up your phone?
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Re: No. Just no.

Post by carlarc » 06 Aug 2018, 08:42

fun sized
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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Azfrief » 07 Aug 2018, 03:35

carlarc wrote:
06 Aug 2018, 08:42
fun sized
The way you people and all communities like yours love to poke others over the simplest things always fascinates me.

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by FracturedAntler » 07 Aug 2018, 04:23

Azfrief wrote:
07 Aug 2018, 03:35
The way you people and all communities like yours love to poke others over the simplest things always fascinates me.
"You people"

What do you mean "you people?"

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by NoahKirchner » 07 Aug 2018, 05:31

Azfrief wrote:
07 Aug 2018, 03:35
The way you people and all communities like yours love to poke others over the simplest things always fascinates me.
god you sound like an insufferable cunt
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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Bosniak Rambo » 07 Aug 2018, 06:51

Good lord, man. This is 2d Spessman. If you're bursting blood vessels over it in fury because people aren't keen on your purple haired lolicon lesbian anime marine (animarine?) named Yukako, then it's really time to take a break. Being too emotionally invested in something like this is a waste of time.

EDIT: Looking at your other posts, I particularly emphasise you find another, less infuriating hobby. If you can't enjoy a multiplayer experience without constantly getting mad at everyone around you for not doing things the way you like them, then you ought to find something to do that doesn't rely on interaction with others.
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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Loco52 » 07 Aug 2018, 07:07

Bosniak Rambo wrote:
07 Aug 2018, 06:51
Good lord, man. This is 2d Spessman. If you're bursting blood vessels over it in fury because people aren't keen on your purple haired lolicon lesbian anime marine (animarine?) named Yukako, then it's really time to take a break. Being too emotionally invested in something like this is a waste of time.

EDIT: Looking at your other posts, I particularly emphasise you find another, less infuriating hobby. If you can't enjoy a multiplayer experience without constantly getting mad at everyone around you for not doing things the way you like them, then you ought to find something to do that doesn't rely on interaction with others.
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Re: No. Just no.

Post by BobatNight » 07 Aug 2018, 07:46

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Clutch » 07 Aug 2018, 07:47

huh ?
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This is likewise where bramb began saying he lives in albania. They additionally continued pinging me with the albanian banner. They called me female. They called me gay. They said I have down disorder. They called me different names too. Also, bramb said he lives in albania when he professes to live in The Netherlands too. Lying again.

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Hoodedhero » 07 Aug 2018, 08:40

I am startled, confused and quite possibly bamboozled.
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Re: No. Just no.

Post by KeyWii » 07 Aug 2018, 08:56

NoahKirchner wrote:
07 Aug 2018, 05:31
god you sound like an insufferable cunt

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by Sleepy Retard » 07 Aug 2018, 10:11

Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

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Re: No. Just no.

Post by DriedMilk » 07 Aug 2018, 10:14

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