What it feels like defending the FOB when REQ gives you lots of ammo

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What it feels like defending the FOB when REQ gives you lots of ammo

Post by adrenalinetooth » 01 Aug 2018, 00:08

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Re: What it feels like defending the FOB when REQ gives you lots of ammo

Post by DiscordWizard » 06 Sep 2018, 02:11

Not realistic enough, no one shot the soldier next to them in full auto while muttering sorry.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Elder Empress The Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Marines would tell you. It's a Xeno legend. Elder Empress was an old queen of the xenomorph, so powerful and so wise she could use the plasma to influence all aliens to create life… She had such a knowledge of the xeno side that she could even keep the ones she cared about from dying. The xenomorph side of the world is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. She became so powerful… the only thing she was afraid of was losing her power, which eventually, of course, she did. Unfortunately, she taught her daughters everything she knew, then her daughters bodyblocked her in her retreat. Ironic. She could save others from death, but not herself.

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