Why The Pink Hair?

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Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Gabe » 14 Aug 2018, 10:00

I'm here to smoke virtual cigars and discuss controversial CM topics. If this thread isn't just buried, I'm hoping to generate larger 'civil debates', but I thought I'd start small. This is mainly about those who play the 'stand-out' type characters, who have ironically become the norm. The most typical example I can give would be something like: "5' 2", looks far too skinny to be a marine, wears ring/necklace with name on it." Add extra 5 points for scars. It varies heavily, but on occasion these players are pretty fucking good at the game; running around with machetes and buckshot flingers, racking up kills.

What I'm hoping to understand, should any of these players reply, is why they like to describe their character in one way but play them in a manner which entirely contradicts their description. I also don't quite get the current trend of acknowledging how strange it is for your physically unimposing character to be a frontline grunt, but never mentioning or going anywhere with it.
Finally, what is the aesthetic reason for using bright, offensive dyed hair colours; or the dreaded floor-length braid?

This isn't meant to rag on the people who choose to make their characters this way. You have the creative freedom, and you can choose to do with it what you want. In my own humble opinion, following these trendy/infamous stereotypes doesn't seem like it generates much RP potential, unless you consider the overdone "unga" memes etc. RP, which is a personal gripe of mine.

On the other side of the coin, there are people who take any opportunity they get to shame and defame the aforementioned characters. As I said, they're absolutely not my cup of tea, and I like to laugh at them occasionally, but if you could sum up just why you dislike this kind of player in a relatively civil manner, I'd appreciate this.

As I said, this thread isn't supposed to be a free pass to shame people. It's an enriching learning experience which we can use to better understand the mentality of our playerbase's different kinds of roleplayers.

TL;DR - Why do you play a character that doesn't fit into their assigned role/playstyle/personality? Why do you use eccentric dyed hair? Why do you love/hate these kinds of players? All answers and hot takes are appreciated.
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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by KingPhilipIII » 14 Aug 2018, 13:10

When I'm an officer of any kind, if I see someone lower ranked than me with offensively colored hair, I tell them their hair is an affront to the corp and to dye it back as soon as we get back to base. I get a myriad of responses.
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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by xywenx00 » 14 Aug 2018, 13:52

KingPhilipIII wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 13:10
When I'm an officer of any kind, if I see someone lower ranked than me with offensively colored hair, I tell them their hair is an affront to the corp and to dye it back as soon as we get back to base. I get a myriad of responses.
You should have them force-shaved by MPs to be shaved or bald, either works.

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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Ratpack » 15 Aug 2018, 18:06

The whole idea of someone coming into a military force with some unnatural colored hair baffles me. I dunno, I've just never really seen why people do it in game or even in real life. I think the natural state of peoples hair color both in real life and in game is the way to go, black, brown, blonde, and red are the way I see these things working, but that's just me.
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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Martzin » 15 Aug 2018, 18:08

Because special snowflakes want to be special. Ironically enough it'd make them easier targets for snipers. It'd be funny if neon-haired characters got their heads blown off instantly.
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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Ghostdex » 15 Aug 2018, 18:19

Because why not

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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Enceri » 15 Aug 2018, 18:26

ghostdex wrote:
15 Aug 2018, 18:19
Because why not

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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Ghostdex » 15 Aug 2018, 18:27

Enceri wrote:
15 Aug 2018, 18:26
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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Gabe » 15 Aug 2018, 19:00

Reminder this thread isn't a designated neon-hate thread, but a discussion. Secondary reminder this is also about out of place body types (short and skinny, primarily).

This being said, the "why not" sentiment whilst not contributing much is how I feel about the situation. If people want to play that way, why not? I still, however, want to understand in one of these player's own words what the appeal is. Aesthetic? Idealism? Escapism? So again, I extend the offer of anyone who plays a character like this to discuss it. I feel as though the side of the debate in the 'against' category has largely spoken.
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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by CABAL » 16 Aug 2018, 00:35

Only two major reasons. One at the time, or both:
Snowflake and/or Meme.
This is why you don't get a response, becouse only percent (smaller than average Xenomain "ideal" of wins for marines, something about 1%-0.0000001%) of people that are using colored hair have it in real life. And this is a response in itself.
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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by xywenx00 » 16 Aug 2018, 16:40

If you play as a skinny marine you can lock out your arms and legs and walk on them like sticks making you able to traferse swamps easily on all 4s. Simple maths.

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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Build_R_ » 16 Aug 2018, 17:28

The dyed hair is usually used to supplement personality for a character that doesn't have any. Same goes for the skinny/short body type. If you can't make your character personally interesting then you just make them physically interesting.
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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Aestel » 17 Aug 2018, 19:08

Build_R_ wrote:
16 Aug 2018, 17:28
The dyed hair is usually used to supplement personality for a character that doesn't have any. Same goes for the skinny/short body type. If you can't make your character personally interesting then you just make them physically interesting.
Who are you again?

Also, pink hair is scientifically proven to be the superior hair. Psychs out the enemy by how unafraid you are of being spotted among the crowd.
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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Sleepy Retard » 17 Aug 2018, 20:34

its because the people with the shitty hair colours have no personality, a lack of self confidence, and are generally a waste of space so they play a lot of cm to be good at it to compensate for this

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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Kineem » 18 Aug 2018, 02:10

When I first started playing CM I was making my character while in a voice call. I saw how you could be 160 years old and went with a biologically 88 year old man because it was funny at the time. Gave him a beard, looked through the color wheel and figured I'd just go with a natural grey until the person directly told me not to make a pink bearded man, and so I did because it was also funny at the time. I haven't bothered to change it since, as I've fleshed him out and turned him into an actual character even if he's still very comical and pretty unbelievable.

ICly he dyed his beard pink because his grandchildren told him it'd make him look cooler, and that's often what he'll tell other marines, but the real reason was that he just wanted his grandkids to love him more. I make him wear shades and a beret as PFC because the sprite looks better and I don't actually give two fucks about a helmet keeping me protected. Looking visually distinct is an upside, because marines will be able to recognize me easily if I happen to get real deep in the shit and need some help, and some xenos will target me so I get more opportunities to kill something.

The character description I have written out for Warden is "A wrinkled, old, slightly hunchback man with a gentle smile on his face. He doesn't seem like he fully comprehends the events transpiring around him". I wrote it up when I was new to the game (and thus didn't fully comprehend most of what was happening) but it's not quite as apt for the character anymore since I spend my rounds more or less belting orders at people if I'm not bunga charging xenos with dual shotguns. Out of combat I still play him as a witty, silly energetic old man when I'm talking to marines before deployment but sometimes my OOC mood will affect how he behaves. I've considered changing the character description to reflect the fact that I've learned more and got better at the game but I'm too lazy to do it.

I don't really care how other people make their characters. If you hype yourself up to be this ultimate badass, with a COOL nickname you and your mommy spent hours thinking of and then you go and die to a Young Defender I'll laugh at you, but otherwise I don't mind how people play so long as they're not being obnoxious while doing it.

to sum it up and to answer the three questions in the tl;dr:
1) aside from him being super old i generally do play the character in a way that fits the role, with minor tweaks to personality/backstory to match different roles
2) it's a little funny + it's all a ploy to get ayys to bumrush me oocly and the character had a reason to dye it icly
3) i don't really care

(you probably should've posted this in general discussion instead of acid goop if you wanted more serious replies)
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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Build_R_ » 18 Aug 2018, 05:54

Aestel wrote:
17 Aug 2018, 19:08
Who are you again?
The guy with neither pink hair nor a flower for his name
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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Nickvr628 » 18 Aug 2018, 09:44

The real trick is to use "Very Long Hair 2" (I think that is the name) which completely covers your sprite and goes down to your ankles, and set the hair color to the most common floor color for that map.

Boom! You now have a ghetto scout cloak when facing upwards.

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Re: Why The Pink Hair?

Post by Vispain » 26 Aug 2018, 13:12

KingPhilipIII wrote:
14 Aug 2018, 13:10
When I'm an officer of any kind, if I see someone lower ranked than me with offensively colored hair, I tell them their hair is an affront to the corp and to dye it back as soon as we get back to base. I get a myriad of responses.
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