How CAS works on prison station

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How CAS works on prison station

Post by Build_R_ » 20 Aug 2018, 10:32

A sequel to how the mortar works: viewtopic.php?f=114&t=18290

There is a problem very much like the one with mortars on the prison map. CAS can't be fired through the ceiling or the air would be sucked out and everyone would die right? WRONG. Today I will explain what really happens when you call in a CAS strike

It's an incredible but complex process so stay with me on this one.

What we believe happens (Wrong)
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Here we see that the engineer calls in a CAS strike, the pilot flies overhead and lanches a missile through the glass ceiling killing the queen and causing all the air to leak into space. It may be a marine minor but it's certainly not the truth. In reality, a much more believable system is occurring.

What really happens (Right)
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Here we have what is really happening. The engineer calls in a CAS strike, the pilot officer flies overhead and activates their missile which is in fact a fake, this fake missile acts as a radio sending out a signal down through the ceiling before it explodes. This radio signal is received by a mini dropship piloted by the pilot officer's underpaid cousin Larry, the radio signal tells Larry where the target is and he fires his real missile upon the target, friendly-firing as many marines as possible.

This process may seem complicated but it's what is truly happening! I'm very happy to answer any questions you have about this system. The OB cannon works the same way except there's a tiny CIC near the ceiling of the prison and the tiny OB cannon is controlled by the commander's cousin ralph (also underpaid).
When the OB misfires and xenos are on your doorstep. 
Image                                                         Image  Howya, Jim Antonic- LCPL, PO, MP, SO, Husked Corpse. 

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Byond: Dothal

Re: How CAS works on prison station

Post by Dothal » 20 Aug 2018, 10:38

I feel like this is wrong, after all why would the USCM pay to give Larry a proper uniform when they can just have him work in his own clothes instead?

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Re: How CAS works on prison station

Post by Build_R_ » 20 Aug 2018, 15:58

Dothal wrote:
20 Aug 2018, 10:38
I feel like this is wrong, after all why would the USCM pay to give Larry a proper uniform when they can just have him work in his own clothes instead?
Ah, good observation. Larry is in fact in his own clothes, he admires his cousin the PO so much that he bought his own uniform and wears it casually so that people don't think he's a loser.
When the OB misfires and xenos are on your doorstep. 
Image                                                         Image  Howya, Jim Antonic- LCPL, PO, MP, SO, Husked Corpse. 

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Re: How CAS works on prison station

Post by Szunti » 20 Aug 2018, 16:46

Isn't the real missile made from the same material as the ceiling for camouflage?

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Re: How CAS works on prison station

Post by Build_R_ » 21 Aug 2018, 07:53

Szunti wrote:
20 Aug 2018, 16:46
Isn't the real missile made from the same material as the ceiling for camouflage?
Close but not quite, its like the IFF of the smartgun in that the real missile fires down a specific path that it can be sure is completely out of the line of sight of marines, ensuring nobody ever sees it.
When the OB misfires and xenos are on your doorstep. 
Image                                                         Image  Howya, Jim Antonic- LCPL, PO, MP, SO, Husked Corpse. 

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Byond: VortexGaming

Re: How CAS works on prison station

Post by VortexGaming » 29 Aug 2018, 07:26

You finally made it... after my question of how it works you finally made it +1 host app accepted/locked
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