The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST)

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The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST)

Post by Rikman » 24 Aug 2018, 12:32

xenyoMowpH: wook Mummy i am being shot at and I’m a runner!

mariNe: pls yes

xeemorph: :[

marine: huck yeah

benomorph from alien (・`ω´・) !!! (・`ω´・) * raaaahhhh ima pounce now

army from us almayer : why cant i hit this stewpid dog!

alien: *pounces* hehe you just got pounced (・`ω´・)

marine: *gets slashed* no mr runner pls

xenmorp: *throws crab*

crab from alein: *misses*

marine: *screams in command since they were promoted*

comande: *screams*

alphe: *shoots each other*

brafo: *runs off in a completely random direction*

charles: *does something*

detla: *one guy goes to help*

moreen: help meee

detla: *one-shots runner*

xenoporph: wot this is unfair :(( nerf plx

spooky: *norfs everything*

xenoproh: hec yeah

marine: *wins next round*

spooky: ok what the heuck *nerfs all guns so they jam half the time*

marine: oh noes why doent my shogun werk

qween: muhahahah time to keel thes estewpid marins!

marine: oWo pls no

qween *calls bird* KUHKAAAAA!

marine: *activates SD* yull never take me aliv!

qwenn: *throws headcrab* take that stupid diot

xenmohp: cherge!!

qween: screeeeee

marines: aaaah!

xenmroph: *bombrushes*

sentry: eeey feck you stewpid guy with no ID

xenmorp: *blasted with what has to be 1000 bullets and lives*

SD: hey almayor!

almayor: what

SD: feck you betch *explodes*


“Here is the wild Homo Sapien hunting its prey. The humanoids are pack hunters, using their shoddy armor as a pitiful defense against the towering Insecta. The human is quickly downed by the Insecta’s powerful slash. But, sheer numbers of humanoids rampage the abuser and Insecta is eventually burned to death, beaten, and dismembered.”
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Re: The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST

Post by Ghostdex » 24 Aug 2018, 16:41

Why would you do this to us

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Re: The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 24 Aug 2018, 17:01

George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

I don't like cute things.

Good hunting.

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Re: The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST

Post by Simo94 » 24 Aug 2018, 17:31

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Re: The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST

Post by simonset55 » 24 Aug 2018, 17:41

(・`ω´・) Pwease
I play "Mudder Plantagenet" and that's it, no fancy quotes or anything.
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Byond: KeyWii

Re: The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST

Post by KeyWii » 24 Aug 2018, 17:46

what the fuck is wrong with you people

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Re: The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST

Post by VortexGaming » 25 Aug 2018, 02:52

Lovely depicts my 3 hour ice rounds nicely
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Re: The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST

Post by Luftkommando » 26 Aug 2018, 13:05

Sargeantmuffinman wrote:
24 Aug 2018, 17:01
Unrobust as fuck

Commander Alexis 'Luckless' Newton - Meme Marine, Average Engineer/Techician, Mediocre Medic/Doc, Sub-Par SL/SO, Moderate XO, Adequate CO, Protocol loving Synth.

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Re: The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST

Post by Vispain » 26 Aug 2018, 13:10

St Joseph of Cupertino - Patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicaps, test takers and poor students.
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Re: The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST

Post by Comrade » 28 Aug 2018, 18:37

degenerate nibbas be like:


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Re: The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST

Post by Loco52 » 28 Aug 2018, 23:28

Erase the internet

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Re: The crusades against the marine and the xeno which has been repeating since the dawn of time itself (NO-SHAME REPOST

Post by Build_R_ » 29 Aug 2018, 18:48

Yo I'm gonna take a big old nope-ski on this one thanks.
When the OB misfires and xenos are on your doorstep. 
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