Your Character Name: John 'Spartan' Murray
Accused Byond Key(if known): mamaxin
Character Name: Kawasaki Hon'da
Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Tommorow minus Yesterday, 15:30~ Chad European Time (CET)
What rule(s) were broken: Basic Engineering, Geneva Convention, Optometric Assosiation rules (my eyes were literally bleeding), All the mentor rules, Staff code of honor, Farwa code of conduct and the discord trap rule.
Description of the incident:
Yeah so I joined in as an Alpha engineer (don't judge me) and casually opened the Chad Engineering Vendor to grab 8 M41 AP mags, BUT FUCK NO - I ordered 8 M39 mags and then cryoed.
I ghosted, teleported to T-Comms and threw up.
Then I went to LZ1 and threw up. again.
just take a look, you will throw up too.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
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