Guide: how to decap a friendly medic and how to stare someone to death in these simple steps.

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Guide: how to decap a friendly medic and how to stare someone to death in these simple steps.

Post by dasWurmtMich » 21 Nov 2018, 03:26

We were at aerodome elevator underground and getting fucked pretty hard, I asked the medic to splint my head, I covered him with my M39 (was RPG spec and we were getting harrased by lurkers and I had AP loaded) and then this happend. Bald AND unlucky.

I just climbed up ladders south of medbay, saw the CMO and the CL in the break room and just hit f4 and typed "stares" and this happened. Emotes OP

By far the funniest round for me I had in a long time.

We lost the game but these 2 moments gave me both such a damn good laugh. I really needed that.
Athena Blackburn - Spec, doctor, medic,PFC and professional deltard.
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Re: Guide: how to decap a friendly medic and how to stare someone to death in these simple steps.

Post by Dolth » 21 Nov 2018, 11:58

Another unlawful BE imo.
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