Alien or Marine?

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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by Gnorse » 20 Jul 2018, 07:32

did someone just pop a mercy ult
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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by Hoodedhero » 20 Jul 2018, 08:06

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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by Norko » 22 Jul 2018, 13:54

Gotta say Marine for a bit more freedom (not by much) but alien is more fun when ya get a hive that's about the RP and not the meta

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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by Mister Jeether » 11 Aug 2018, 07:36

filthy xeno mains

Marine, because we have real names.
I play Sydney 'Lilly' Wood, the totally not depressed doctor, And the marine Dylan Bell, that probably joined the USCM by accident.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions related to research.

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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by Build_R_ » 11 Aug 2018, 11:06

Marines have more shit they can do than xenos.
When the OB misfires and xenos are on your doorstep. 
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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by Valmoric » 14 Aug 2018, 23:40

Xenos all the way!

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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by Eric » 23 Aug 2018, 13:37

I've only played Marine, but I enjoy it. It feels challenging, and it's fun scaring off T1 Benos with a shotgun.
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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by DiscordWizard » 06 Sep 2018, 01:49

Marine, playing as a xeno isn't really for me I think, I find it more fun and challenging to just get a gun, join my fellow marines in a dropship and go fight giant murder lizards that have acid instead of blood
Last edited by DiscordWizard on 12 Sep 2018, 12:48, edited 1 time in total.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Elder Empress The Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Marines would tell you. It's a Xeno legend. Elder Empress was an old queen of the xenomorph, so powerful and so wise she could use the plasma to influence all aliens to create life… She had such a knowledge of the xeno side that she could even keep the ones she cared about from dying. The xenomorph side of the world is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. She became so powerful… the only thing she was afraid of was losing her power, which eventually, of course, she did. Unfortunately, she taught her daughters everything she knew, then her daughters bodyblocked her in her retreat. Ironic. She could save others from death, but not herself.

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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by AcuteCircle » 12 Sep 2018, 00:40

Depends which caste I get to play. Sign me the fuck up for queen, she's prob my favorite role in the game, but it's soo hard to roll her. Otherwise I'll choose marines, especially now that the xenos are pretty underpowered.
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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by Lil Mayo » 13 Sep 2018, 15:13

I feel that Command roles, either Queen or XO, are the most fun for me. Being the mastermind and coordinating attacks, flanks and pushes can be so satisfying and fun!
I think that Queen's my favourite role to play though. You get the aliens to listen to you much more easily, and you can actually lead attacks! Getting all the aliens to form a huge ball of doom and destroy entire pushes in 1 screech is extremely satisfying.
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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by xXen0zS1ay3rXx » 13 Sep 2018, 21:16

I normally start as marine and if I die out of defib range go beno. Or if the round has been going on for a long ass time and only marine is avaliable I may observe and debating going been

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Re: Alien or Marine?

Post by JustAmmo » 15 Sep 2018, 00:02

Marine due to the wide range of things you can be and do in the faction.

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